you can't even pick up the phone

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"How do I look?"

I asked Lincoln as I finished putting an earring into my ear. I decided on texting Fergal and inviting him over to my house so I can tell him the news. It's not like I can keep hiding my pregnancy from the world for much longer.

"You look great. I'm proud of you for doing this."

Lincoln said.

"Thank you. Listen, don't take this the wrong way but, I don't think you should be here when I tell him. I'll tell him about us but I just think it's better if I do this on my own, okay?"

I asked him.

"Yeah, don't worry. Whatever you want, I'll do. Just please don't overdue it. You're still on bedrest."

"I won't."

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit."

Lincoln said as he kissed me. He walked out of the bedroom and out of the house as I looked in the mirror. I decided on wearing just a plain t-shirt and bump. I didn't want to hide my bump. I wanted Fergal to see it the minute he showed up. And I really hope he does. He didn't message me back when I gave him my address and said I had something important to tell him but I saw he read it so we'll just have to see how this goes.

I walked out of the bedroom and walked into the dining room. Lincoln helped me prepare dinner for Fergal since I figured he might as well not have an empty stomach with news like this. I'm so happy Lincoln is so cool about this. He really wants me to have a good relationship with Fergal and he doesn't get jealous about him in the slightest. Where did I find such a guy?

"Now we just have to wait, princess."

I said, adopting Lincoln's name for the baby as I ran my hand over my bump.



I heard call through the house as I stared at myself back in the mirror. The mascara that claimed to be "waterproof" was stained down my face. My lipstick was smudged and my heart was broken. I should've known. I should've fucking known.

"There you are."

Lincoln said as I looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

"Hey, hey. What happened?"

Lincoln asked as he wiped my tears away and wiped away the mascara stains.

"He didn't show."

I sniffled. Lincoln pulled me into a hug as I continued to cry.

"Don't cry over him. You tried, okay. And you know in your heart that you tried to tell him. That is all you can do."

Lincoln said as he rubbed my back. No matter what he said, my heart was still in pieces. Not for me. I could care less at this point about Fergal and I's "relationship". But...his daughter. She never gets to meet her father because he can't even pick up his fucking phone to let me know he wasn't coming. I planned this whole evening and he couldn't give me a lousy text.

And there's no way I can tell him this news over text. He doesn't deserve that and neither does my daughter. But I guess he would rather ignore me then find out the truth. And as much as that pains me, I've just got to move on. I can't dread over this. I've just got to move on and restart.

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