something's gotta give

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I stared out the car window as Link drove towards the place we are getting our wedding pictures done at. I always imagined just being so happy and in love after getting married but all I can feel is confusion and anger. Why couldn't Fergal just bite his tongue and let me be happy? 

"Are you okay?"

Link asked as he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind."

I sighed.

"I know. I wish everything could've went as we planned but at least we're married! You're my wife now."

Link said as I looked over at him and smiled. That's the only good thing to come out of that ceremony. 

"I know it's just...where do we go from here with Fergal?"

"Well I don't want him in my house."


I said with a scolding tone in my voice.

"I'm being serious Pam. He tried to tear you away from me. He tried to tear apart our family. How could you want someone like him to be around Kinsley?"

"He's her father. I know he's a piece of shit but he is still her father."

"Well I don't want him in my house ever again. And I don't want Kinsley staying with him while we're on our honeymoon. I don't trust him with her while we're in another country."

"Fine, Link. Kinsley can stay with my parents while we're gone and he can visit from there. Can we just not fight anymore? I don't wanna do this today."

"Yeah. I don't wanna fight either. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said as I kissed his cheek. I don't know how Fergal is going to take this news that Kinsley is staying with my parents for the next few weeks. I don't know if Fergal will even come around after what happened at the wedding. Who knows what is going to happen?


I looked around the reception as I picked at the little bits of food left on my plate. I wanted to have fun mind can't be torn away from everything that happened. I don't want this to be the memory I have of my wedding.

"Hey gorgeous."

Link said as he come up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.


I said as I looked up at him.

"What's wrong? Usually you'd be in the middle of that dance floor."

"I don't know. I'm not feeling up to it I guess."

"C'mon. It's time for you to get up and dance."

Link said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. He lead me towards the middle of the dance floor where our friends were.

"There's the blushing bride!"

Mercades said as she hugged me.

"Hey guys!"

I said as I plastered a smile on my face. I caught a glimpse of Rebecca on the dance floor and my anger just boiled. She knew Fergal was going to object and yet she didn't even want to warn me or do anything about it. She wanted him to ruin my wedding. How could one of my best friends do that to me? I walked over to her and Colby and all I could see is red.

"Hey, congratulations."

Colby said as I sighed.

"Yeah, thanks. Rebecca, how the fuck were you going to let Fergal just ruin my wedding like that?"

I asked her.

"Pam, I'm sorry. He sworn me to secrecy."

"I don't give a fuck what you both swore to. That was my fucking wedding and you let him ruin it you bitch!"

I yelled as I got in her face.

"Pam stop!"

Link said as he grabbed me by the waist.

"I never, ever want to see you again Rebecca! You're a piece of shit!"

I screamed at her as Link dragged me away. I'm done putting up with everyone's shit. I'm done with being stepped on and walked all over. I'm going to rid of all the pieces of shit in my life. Rebecca was first. Who's next?

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