turned on you

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I sat up in the hospital bed as I waited for my discharged papers. I had my stupid surgery. Now I'm appendix free and ready to leave. I'm really sore and I wish Link was coming home with me. I haven't heard from his family since Max blew up on me and that was three days ago. I just wish I knew how he was doing. Maybe I'll go visit him before I leave.

"The nurse bring the papers in yet?"

Mercades asked as her and Ashley walked into my hospital room. They thankfully rushed up here once I told them I was having surgery. It's nice to just have someone here.


I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. While I have been stuck in this room, I've been thinking just about how life is. Is marriage suppose to be like this? I guess most marriages don't have custody battles and suicide attempts but who knows. I think I wanna move back to Florida. I miss my friends and it's not fair to have them coming back here the whole time. Plus, maybe I can be closer to Kinsley. I heard through the grapevine that Fergal sold his San Jose home so it looks like he never had plans of bringing her back to me. If only he knew.

"I wanna go see Link before we leave."

I said as I looked up at the girls.

"Is that the best idea right now?"

Mercades asked.

"I just want him to know I was there. I haven't even gotten to see him yet."

"I don't see the harm in it."

Ashley said as Mercades shrugged.


Mercades gave in. Soon after, a nurse brought in my discharge papers and we walked out towards Link's room. I told the girls to stay in the next hallway over just in case something happens with Link's family. I walked, well more like hobbled due to my incision, over to Link's room. I knocked on the door but when the door was opened, all I could see was a disgusted Max.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Max spat at me. So there's obviously still some hatred here.

"I just wanna see him. Please."

I said as tears filled my eyes.

"Just shut the damn door."

I heard Link's Dad, Jack, say. So they all hate me. I'm not surprised. I hate me too.

"Stop. Let me talk to her."

I heard Olivia said as she pushed her way past her brother and out into the hallway with me. 

"Pam, I don't think you should be here. They're really upset. I don't think they're going to let you in there."

Olivia said as I started to sob.

"Please Liv. You have to do something."

I sobbed.

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do. Please just take care of yourself and that baby. He'll push out of this."

Olivia said as she hugged me. She walked back into the room and shut the door as I just cried into my hands. 

"It's okay. We've got you. Let's get you home."

I heard Ashley say as her and Mercades moved my hands away from my face. they helped me to the car as I just continued to sob. I know I fucked up. I get it. And I probably seem like the most evil person in the world to Link's family. But I still love him. He's still my husband. I don't want him to wake up and have him think I was never there. But it looks like his family just wants to make me look like the most evil person in the world to him.

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