enough talking

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"And Daddy and Vero painted his room blue!"

I heard Kinsley say to Alex as I made lunch for us three. Link came and picked up Adalyn earlier so it's just the three of us in the house. Today is the day that the girls go back with their fathers and I'm going to miss them this next week. But one thing I won't miss is hearing Kinsley talk about life at Fergal's new house. Don't get me wrong, I love talking to my daughter. But talking about her father and his new family is nauseating.

As long as it doesn't involve my daughter, I could fucking care less about Fergal's new family. I don't care that he's having a new baby. And the same goes for Link. But hearing about it all day makes me wanna rip my hair out. But I just suck it up and listen to Kinsley's stories.

"That's exciting! You're going to be a great big sister. You already are to your sister."

I heard Alex say as I smiled. At least he's up for hearing about the stories.  I finished making three sandwiches when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Vero standing only my porch.

"You come to pick up Kinsley?"

I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Uh, yeah."

"Where's Fergal?"

"He was training the the PC this morning so he sent me."

Vero said as I rolled my eyes. That's when I heard footsteps running towards us.


Kinsley called as she ran and jumped into Vero's open arms. 

"I'll get her things."

I said as I rolled my eyes again and walked off. After I packed Kinsley's stuff up, I walked back out to the door to see Kinsley poking Vero's bump. 

"Here's her bag."

I said, interrupting them.


Vero said as she grabbed the bag.

"She hasn't ate yet so you might want to give her this in the car."

I said as I handed Vero the sandwich that I made Kinsley that was wrapped up in a bag.

"Oh, I don't want her to get crumbs in my car. I'll meet Fergal with her somewhere."

Vero said as I rolled my eyes again. I cannot stand talking to this bitch.

"Fine, whatever. Mommy loves you."

I said as I kissed Kinsley's cheek. They walked away as I slammed the door behind them.

"I don't wanna get crumbs in my car."

I mocked Vero as I walked into the living room where Alex was sitting.

"What happened there?"

Alex asked as he laughed at my imitation.

"She's just a bitch. She wouldn't even fucking feed Kinsley the sandwich I made her because she doesn't want crumbs in her precious car. I can't wait for the day her kid pukes something up in her car."

I said.

"Who cares what she has to say? You just need to calm down. Don't think about her."

"I just hate that she's in my child's life. I fucking hate her."

I said as Alex wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey, at least we have the next week together."

"That's true. And I know just how I want to spend it."

I said as I grabbed his face and kissed him. I just need to let whatever Fergal or Vero do roll off my shoulder at this point. I can't worry about them. I just need to worry about myself. And this next week without kids will be all about worrying about myself with Alex. And I'm going to get some much needed me-time.

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