they say they want the realness

69 3 7

I looked up from my phone and watched Link play with Kinsley at the end of the bed. I smiled as I watched Kinsley giggle as she answered her toy phone. I still don't know what I'm going to do about the last name situation. Link and I have barely talked since our fight few nights ago. Everything is just so off.

"Hello? Is this Kinsley?"

Link asked as he pretended to answer his phone and Kinsley giggled. I smiled as I watched them play and smile. Link is such a good stepdad. I can't wait to see how he is with our baby. He's going to be an even better father.

"Hey babe?"

I asked as I placed my hand on top of my bump.


Link asked as looked over at me. Glad to see he isn't holding a grudge.

"We need to figure out a name for the baby."

"We don't even know the gender."

Link said with a laugh as he picked up Kinsley as came and sat at the top of the bed with me.

"We should still be prepared for when they come. We can pick one out for a boy and one out for a girl."

"I guess you're right. What do you think, Kins?"

Link asked as I smiled at the nickname he gave Kinsley. It's cute. Kins. I laughed as she just looked up at Link and smiled.

"I have a few ideas for girl names."

I said as I pulled my list up on my phone and showed it to Link.]

"I really like Adalyn. It's unique like Kinsley's name."

Link said.

"So Adalyn for a girl?"


"And what about for a boy?"

"I've always like the name Ledger. Ledger Christopher. It rolls off the tongue."

Link said as I thought about it. It's a good name. It's not something you hear a lot.

"So Adalyn or Ledger?"

"Sounds perfect."

Link said as he placed a kiss on my lips. I heard a knock on the front door as I sighed.

"Daddy is here Kins!"

I said as I picked Kinsley up. I carried her out to the front door and opened It to see Fergal standing on the porch.

"Hey. Her bag isn't ready yet so you can come in."

I said as I handed Kinsley off to him and walking back into the house. As I walked into Kinsley's room, I saw Link coming out of the bedroom. I didn't pay any mind to it as I went to pack Kinsley's bag. As I finished packing Kinsley's bag, I heard yelling come from the living room. Shit. I walked into the living room to see Kinsley playing with the remote on the couch and Fergal and Link were in each other's faces.

"You have no room to fucking say what my daughter's last name should be."

Fergal said. Here we go again.

"Please. You weren't around for her. I'm the one who swooped in to be her dad."

Link snapped at him.

"Well, I'm here now, and she's my daughter. She will have my last name. It isn't up to you. You try to butt into Pam and I's parenting all the time and it's not going to happen anymore. I don't give a shit who you're married too!"

Fergal yelled at him.

"Guys just stop!"

I yelled at them as tears fell down my face. Damn hormones. 


Fergal said as he saw me crying.

"Do you guys have to do this now? In front of Kinsley? You both keep putting so much pressure on me over a stupid last name but no one has even bothered to ask me how I feel!"

I snapped at them.

"I'm so sorry Pam."

Fergal said.

"I can't even talk to my Mom about this because she's fucking gone! And everyone just expected me to move on and deal with your guys' petty bullshit!"

I sobbed.

"Pam, baby, I'm sorry. We were being selfish."

Link said as he tried to hug me. I pushed him away as I wiped my tears away. 

"Both of you just leave me alone."

I said as I stormed off into the bedroom and slammed the door. This is my breaking point. I can't deal with this. There's too much on my plate. I just need a fucking break. I need an emotional break from everyone's drama. I just can't do this anymore.

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