visiting hours

95 3 3

I typed away on my computer as Link sat next to me on his hospital bed, eating the horrible hospital food. The smell itself made me want to vomit. How could they force sick people to eat this? Am I going to have to eat that when I give birth to Kinsley? Gross. 

"What are you doing?"

Link asked as I continued typing away.

"Just typing out some ideas for when I comeback to wrestling. I just like putting my thoughts to paper."

I said as I continued typing. I want wrestling. I need to come back to wrestling. I need to be able to feel the ropes on my body and feel my back slammed into the mat. Some might think I'm crazy, but it's my life. And I just miss it so much. 

"Aren't you thinking a little ahead of that? Like, can you even wrestle once you have a baby?"

Link asked. Aw, bless his heart. He knows nothing of the industry.

"Of course. There's so many Mom's who come back after having kids. Maryse came back only five months after having Monroe. I can do it too."

"Well, whatever makes you happy."

Link said as he kissed my temple. I'm so happy to have a man who's so supportive of me and my dreams. It's officially been 2 weeks since the crash and Link finally got his two surgeries. We still have to wait a while before he can go home and it makes me nervous that he might not be home in time for Kinsley to be born. I just hope he's well by then. Until then, I visit him everyday during visiting hours. I stay from the morning to the night just to be with him. The bed is too cold without him when I get home though.

"I love you."

I said with a smile as I turned to him.

"I love you too."

He said as he kissed me. I'm starting to get more and more nervous for Kinsley's arrival. I want everything to be perfect but knowing my luck, something will go wrong. I still haven't told Link about Kinsley needing surgery and I'm running out of time. I just haven't found the perfect chance yet.

I still get nervous Fergal is going to find out about Kinsley. I just know Fergal would flip his lid if he found out about her. I want to believe the best in him but with what he's shown me, I don't believe he would stay and be a dad to her. I want to, but I just can't.

I know he deserves to know. And I wish I had the heart to tell him. I wish I could have him in his daughter's life but it seems like it would just hurt her more than help Kinsley. But Kinsley will always have Link. Because he's the one I'm going to marry one day, no matter how Fergal feels about it or if he ever learns about Kinsley. Because Link and Kinsley will always be the only family I need.

secret family // baylor (completed)Where stories live. Discover now