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4 Months Later

"Happy five months, you two!"

I said with a smile as I grabbed a bottle and looked down at Adalyn in my arms and Eli in Mercades' arms. The last few months have been just a lot of working on myself and a relationship for myself. I have recently been going to therapy and trying to talk out my problems. It's been helping a lot with trying to cope with my parents passing and how to move on with my sisters. Even though I don't think there is anymore moving on with my parents.

There is no co-parenting with Link. I tried to send him divorce papers, he sent me them back but ripped up. So now I'm stuck in a loveless marriage. But the cherry on the top of the shit sundae is that Link is taking me to court for full custody of Adalyn. The daughter he has only held once and hasn't even asked to see this whole time. And I know he'll use my mental health struggles against me in court. And I don't have anything strong enough to use against him. I'm fucked.

And Fergal is no angel either. He's taking me to court for full custody of Kinsley. The two guys who I thought I could trust most are tearing me apart. They're my girls too. My daughters. And neither of them want me to see them. And I don't know if they're fucking ganging up on me now or what but it sure as hell feels like they're both out to destroy me. I don't know anymore. I just want my daughters. But in a few weeks...they could both be gone.

"There's your little girlfriend!"

Mercades said with a laugh as she put Eli on her hip. 

"Can you stop trying to set our five month olds up on a date?"

I said with a laugh as I sat down at the island and began to feed Adalyn.

"Well, maybe when they're 16, they can go on a date for their conjoined birthday. Besides, we have to have a conjoined birthday this year since it's their first."

"You're going to say this every year. But I'm down always. July 8th baby club for life."

I said with a laugh. I still find it crazy that Adalyn and Eli were born on the same day. The best of friends. 

"How are you feeling about the court dates?"

Mercades asked.

"Uneasy. I don't want to be ripped away from my girls but I don't want them to not have their fathers either. I just want it to be over with."

"Well any court would be crazy not to see you as the most fit parents for those baby girls."

Mercy said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I just don't really wanna even think about it. I don't even know what it's going to be like to even see Link. I haven't seen him since he showed up at the hotel. I don't know what he's going to say or if he's with someone else or what is going on."

"Well if he's with another girl, you just keep your head up. Because you are a strong, independent mama. And you would do anything for Adalyn and Kinsley."

Mercy said as I smiled.

"Thanks Mercy."

I said as I hugged her with my free arm. I don't know how these court dates are going to turn out. All I know is that I am going to fight with all of my heart and soul for these girls. They're my daughters too. And I'll fight like hell so everyone in the damn court room knows it. No one can replace me as their Mom. No one.

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