i don't exist

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I walked down the hospital hallway as I inhaled a shaky breath. I can't say I'm not nervous about seeing Fergal after this blowup fight between Link and him. I don't like having Link here either. I don't know if I feel safe around Fergal anymore. I walked into Kinsley's room to see Fergal and his parents sitting next to her incubator. Fergal heard me walk in the room and looked up at me in the doorway and just scoffed. He has a black eye and a bruised lip. Maybe he isn't as tough as he seems.


I mumbled as I sat down on the other side of Kinsley's incubator and smiled down at her. She makes everything right. Everything that doesn't seem right in the world is right when I'm with her.

"Did the doctor come in yet?"

I asked as I looked up at Fergal. No answer. I rolled my eyes as I looked back down at Kinsley. These are the moments I wish I had link around. The moments where Fergal's mother, Leonie, is staring me down and probably calling me every dirty word she can think of in her mind. Or the moments where Fergal can't even be a civil fucking person and try and co-parent with me for the sake of our sick daughter.

"So you don't even wanna talk to me over something that wasn't even my fault?"

I asked Fergal. I get it, it's childish of me to say. And I know what I did was worse but holy fuck can't he just be a fucking grown up for once and talk to me like a civilized human being?

"Are you referring to what happened last night or when you didn't tell me I had a daughter?"

"Oh my god get the fuck over it!"

I yelled as I got out of my chair. Never did I think that I would be screaming over my own daughter's incubator.

"I'm not doing this with you, psycho."

Fergal scoffed at me.

"I'm psycho?! Maybe you should tell me what the fuck you said to Link last night for him to beat the shit out of you!"

I screamed at Fergal.

"You wanna know what I said?! I said you were incapable of being a good mother. Because all you do is ruin people's lives and destroy people. Why the fuck do you think I left you in the first place?! You were the worst thing to ever come into my life! You ruined anything good I had and I had to escape your wrath. And I'm taking my daughter with me this time."

Fergal said. My blood was boiling at this point. How fucking dare he. I gave him the world. I gave him anything he ever needed. And he threw me away.

"Get out!"

I screamed as I walked over and got in his face. He laughed in my face.

"And what are you going to do if I don't?"

Fergal asked. That's when I slapped him across the face. I can't take this any longer. I'm not taking anymore of his shit.

"You bitch."

I heard Leonie say behind me. So I got in her face.

"Do you want some of this too, you old fucking hag?"

I snapped in her face.

"Let's just go."

Fergal's Dad, Fintan, said as he led them out of the room. I slammed the door behind them as I tried to calm down. I can't stand their disrespect. And I won't have it around my daughter. I tried being civil but that is far out the window. Now they'll have to pry Kinsley out of my cold dead hands in court to get to her.

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