not the one for me

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"Adalyn is coming home today! Adalyn is coming home today!"

Kinsley yelled throughout the house as I smiled. Link is letting me take Adalyn for the week for the first time since Alex died and I'm really excited. It's going to be so great to have both of my girls under one roof again. And I can't wait to tell Adalyn that she's gonna be a big sister too. Well, at least try to tell her. Adalyn's got the attention span of a squirrel at times.

"Mommy! Adalyn is coming home today!"

Kinsley said as she pulled on my pant leg.

"I know baby! Aren't you excited?"

"So excited!"

Kinsley said as she twirled around in a circle. Fergal walked in the kitchen where we were at.

"You're full of energy today."

Fergal said with a smile as he picked Kinsley up.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Fergal's neck and kissed him. As soon as our lips met, I heard the front door open and shut. But we didn't pull away fast enough.

"Am I interrupting something?"

I heard Link said as Fergal and I pulled away. Oh, great. The one person I didn't want to find out about Fergal and I just found out. And not in the best way.

"I'll take Kinsley to get changed."

Fergal said as he walked out of the room. Adalyn ran up to me and hugged my legs.

"Hey baby girl! I've missed you!"

I said as I picked her up.

"You wanna explain what that was?"

Link asked me.

"Fergal and I are together. What's wrong with that?"

I asked as I set Adakyn down and she ran into the living room.

"What's wrong with that?! You're with the guy who broke up our marriage!"

"He didn't break up our marriage Link! We grew apart."

"He didn't help matters."

Link said as he rolled his eyes.

"Listen, I know you don't like him. But he's the father of my daughter and he accepts me and loves me Link."

"I love you too Pamela! I had to move on cause you didn't want me!"

"I'm sorry but I love who I love Link! We need to just get divorced so these feelings can go away."

"You don't get it Pam. I won't just stop loving you. Sure, I love Chelsie, but I will always love you more. You were my first love. My childhood love. My high school sweetheart. My wife. And you're picking someone who always put you and Kinsley second over someone who will always put you first. I'll send the papers your way."

Link said as he dropped Adalyn's bags onto the floor. Link stormed out the door as tears fell down my face. He just had to make me feel guilty. He always has to make me feel like I'm doing something wrong. But I just need to follow my heart. And my heart leads me to Fergal. And if Link can't accept that, then he just needs to get the hell over himself.

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