make up for lost time

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"So lock the door and throw out the key!
Can't fight this no more, it's just you and me!"

Fergal sang as he twirled me around the living room.

"And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do!
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you!"

I sang with a smile as I wrapped my arms around Fergal's neck as we danced around the living room.
I love just being around him and being able to call him mine again. He's my dream man. And life can't get any better then being in his arms.

I'm officially four months pregnant today. That means that in a few days, Vero will be nine months. Same with Chelsie. And I know Fergal will have to be giving her his undying attention. Even though neither of us want that. And it's going to be the same with Link. I'll be stuck alone with the girls. It's going to suck. That's why I'm just trying to be happy with Fergal for the last few days we can.

"We need to get ready for your appointment."

Fergal said as the song ended.

"I don't wanna get dressed. I just wanna stay in your arms!"

I whined.

"I know. Why don't you get ready and then once we get home, I'll hold you as long as you want."

"Sounds like a plan!"

I said as I kissed Fergal and walked off into the bedroom. Today I have my 16 week ultrasound and we decided to find out the gender of the twins. Fergal's parents are in town for the next few weeks since Vero's due soon so they took Kinsley off our hands for the day. It's kinda nice to have backup babysitters besides the girls. I hate bothering them, even though they say they love watching the Kinsley when Fergal and I need some alone time.

I changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of black leggings and one of Fergal's hoodies. I honestly don't have the energy to look presentable together. It'll probably not get any better in the next 22 weeks. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and walked out of the bedroom.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend."

Fergal said with a smile.

"I feel like shit."

I said as Fergal kissed my forehead.


"I just don't feel like myself anymore. I don't look like myself. I look like a whale."

"No you don't. You're perfect and look amazing. You're glowing. You're the most beautiful girl in the world."

Fergal said to me.

"I love you."

I said as I hugged him.

"I love you too."

He said as he kissed the top of my head.


"I wish Kinsley was here for this. She'd be so excited to see her siblings."

I said to Fergal.

"We can bring her next time. I promise."

He said as he kissed the back of my hand. I sighed as I placed my hand on my bump. I wish Alex was here too. He deserves to see his twins. But I like to think that he's here with us. And that he's looking down on the twins as their guardian angel.

After a while, the doctor came in and did her exam on me. She placed the gel and Doppler on my stomach as Fergal and I watched the monitor.

"There they are!"

The doctor said as I looked at Fergal. He looked so happy as he stared up at the twins. It feels like this is lost time being made up for. It feels like what we should've had when I was pregnant with Kinsley.

"Would you guys like to know the gender?"

The doctor asked us.

"Yes please."

"Looks like twin baby girls! Identical twin girls!"

The doctor said as I smiled up at Fergal. Looks like I will never have a little boy. But I'm really excited. I don't think I could handle a little boy to begin with. And I think the girls will be really excited to have two baby sisters. The doctor gave us our ultrasound pictures and sent us on our way.

"I'm really excited."

I said as I stared at the pictures as we walked out of the office.

"I know. I'm excited for the girls to have two little sisters to play with. And they'll be identical. I don't think the girls will be able to tell them apart."

Fergal said as I laughed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Fergal said as he kissed me. Everything feels like it's falling into place finally. Once the girls are here, our family will be complete. And I'll finally have the family I've always wanted with Fergal.

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