home sweet home

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"Good morning angel!"

I said with a huge smile as I picked Kinsley up from her tiny cot. Today we're both getting discharged on time and I'm so excited just to take her home and have her all to myself. I grabbed a onesie from the diaper bag and started changing her.

"Okay, car seat is in the car."

Link said as he walked into the hospital room.

"Okay. I'm just waiting on discharge papers and we'll be ready to go."

I said with a smile as I finished dressing Kinsley. She opened her eyes and yawned as I laughed. She's honestly the most adorable thing I've ever seen in her life. She looks exactly like me but with Fergal's piercing blue eyes. I'm kinda glad that's the only thing she inherited from Fergal. I don't think I could just see Fergal in my daughter everyday of my life.

Soon a nurse brought the discharge papers in and said we were free to go. Link pulled the car around and I put Kinsley into her car seat and got into the back seat with her.

"Let's go home, baby girl."

I said as I kissed her cheek. Link looked back at us and smiled but I couldn't take my eyes off of Kinsley. How did I make something so perfect? How did Fergal and I's screw-up of a relationship end in something so perfect? I'm still tossing the idea of telling Fergal about Kinsley around in my head. But I don't think I want to even try and deal with Fergal's drama and arguing cause that's exactly what will come with telling him.

I just worry that Fergal will try and take Kinsley away from me. I can't lose her. I can't lose her in the slightest. She's mine. She's my daughter and I can't have Fergal try and take her away from me when she's barley three days old. She needs her Mom. She has a Dad. She has everything she needs. Having Fergal around will just confuse her, right?

I just know Fergal will take her. I feel like Fergal would've tried to taken her even if he knew about her before she was born. And I'm sure this seems selfish but I'm the one who carried and cared for her for nine months. I'm the one who sat by her side when she had surgery. I tried to give Fergal the chance months ago to talk about it but he didn't show. So now she's mine. And Feergal doesn't need to know. And he might never know.

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