no communication

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I sat down on the couch as I sighed and looked down at my phone. I don't know how this conversation is going to go down with Fergal. I don't know if he's going to be upset with me or not. I don't know if he's going to still be apologetic still or if he's going to yell at me for not calling him this morning. I guess it's worth trying to talk to him though. I dialed his number and waited for someone to pick up.

"Pam, I can't talk. I'll be home in a few days."

Fergal said as he picked up.

"Fergal, it'll only take a second."

I said as I noticed the line had connected.

"Are you coming to bed, babe? It's time for some fun."

I heard a voice say on Fergal's line. My heart immediately sunk to my stomach. That was Vero's voice. And I've been betrayed by someone I love once again.

"I've gotta go."

Fergal said as he hung up. He's sleeping with her! He chose there abuser over someone who loves her. And even if he isn't sleeping with her, he's sleeping in the same bed as that bitch. And he's avoiding me. He's avoiding talking to me because he knows that he's having sex with her! And I'm just gullible ol' Pam, yet again.

Tears fell down my face as I heard the door open and shut. Becky came into my sight with a huge smile on her face, both arms filled with junk food and shitty movies for us to watch, as she noticed my tears.

"Pam, what's wrong?"

Becky asked as she dropped the things in her hands and hugged me.

"He's cheating on me!"

I sobbed into her shoulder.

"What are you talking about?"

Becky asked me.

"I called Fergal and I heard Vero asking him to go to bed with her and that they were going to "have some fun.""

I sniffled as I made quotations with my hands/

"Oh Pam, do you want me to go call him? Maybe I can talk to him and get some answers out of him."

Becky asked.

"Could you please?"

"Of course."

Becky said. She walked out of the room as I wiped my tears. I tried to calm myself down as Becky was on the phone but it just didn't work. I just want to cry until I'm a puddle of my own tears. I gave my trust to him. I gave me all to him. I thought that maybe this was it. Maybe he was my Prince Charming all along. But now he goes and cheats on me? And especially with someone who abused him? How could he do that to me? Becky walked back into the living room with a somber look on her face.

"Did he answer?"

I asked her.

"Yeah. You don't wanna know."

She said. Tears fell down my face again as she hugged me.

"If its any consolation, I'm gonna kick his ass the next time I see him."

Becky said as she rubbed my back. I don't know what to do. I thought we could be happy together. I thought our family was complete. But I guess I just wasn't enough for Fergal. I just guess I wasn't enough for Fergal anymore.

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