what are you wishing for

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3 weeks later.

"Good morning fiancé!"

I said with a smile as I jumped on the bed to wake Link up. He smiled at me as I sat down on the bed and handed him a cup of coffee.

"We're going to be husband and wife tomorrow!"

I said as I took a sip of my own coffee. I'm so absolutely excited for tomorrow. I'm finally going to be a wife. You know the saying, always a bridesmaid and never a bride. That's me. I was a bridesmaid for Ashley, Mercades, and Rebecca. Now I finally get my own time to shine. And nothing can ruin tomorrow.

"I know. And we finally get to go on our honeymoon and have some alone time."

Link said as he put our cups on the end table and pulled me onto him so I was straddling him. I looked into his dark brown eyes as I ran my hand through his dirty blonde hair. There's no one I love more than him. Well, besides Kinsley obviously. But Link is a close second.

"I love you so much."

I said as I bent down and kissed him.

"I love you too. Mrs. Christopher."

Link said as I smiled.

"Should we go be good parents and check on Kinsley?"

I said as Link laughed. We both got out of bed and walked into the nursery to see Fergal fast asleep with Kinsley on his chest.

"He slept here last night?"

Link asked.

"Yeah. I mean, he has to take Kinsley for the next few weeks while we're gone so I thought he might as well have overnight practice."

I said.

"I can hear you."

Fergal said as I laughed. I grabbed a blanket from in my bedroom and laid it across Fergal and Kinsley. I bent down and placed a kiss on both Kinsley and Fergal's foreheads.

"You're a good dad."

I whispered in Fergal's ear before walking out of the nursery and shutting the door behind me.


"How do I look?"

I asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Like a princess!"

Mercades said as she adjusted the sash that read "bride-to-be" that laid across my chest. Ah, the stereotypical bachelorette party. I just know I'll be hungover for my own wedding in the morning. But at least it will be fun.

"I'm so ready to get a drink. It's been a long week."

Becky said as she swung her purse onto her arm.

"Ah, the little Irish hasn't pregamed?"

I said in a fake Irish accent as I ruffled her hair. She rolled her eyes at me as she smiled. We walked out of my bedroom and into the living room to see Link, Colby, and Manny talking in a circle while Fergal sat on the couch by himself.

"Well, damn. My wife sure does clean up well."

Link said as he smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed me. I could practically feel the daggers being stared into us by Fergal.

"I'm not your wife yet."

I said with a laugh.

"Close enough."

Link said as he cupped my face and kissed me again.

"Okay, lovebirds. Are you guys ready to party?"

Colby asked as Link and I pulled apart.

"Yes! We're just saying goodbye. We don't get to see each other until tomorrow."

I said with a pout.

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said as Link kissed me one last time.

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful."

"I'll see you tomorrow, handsome."

I said before the boys left the house. I turned to the girls with a smile on my face.

"I'm so ready to just let loose."

I said with a smile.

"Well, then let's get this party on the road."

Ashley said as I smiled. I thanked Fergal for watching Kinsley and we headed out the door. We ended up going to four bars before stumbling into our hotel rooms. I crashed onto the bed, wasted as all hell, as Mercades took off my makeup.

"Fergal is a really good Dad."

I mumbled as I looked up at Mercy.

"Yeah, he is."

Mercy said.

"I'm proud of him."

"We all are."

Ashley said as I laughed.

"Do you think he still wants me?"

"Why do you care?"

Mercy asked.

"Because he gives me these like...intense looks all the time like he wants to take me right then and there. It's weird."

"Probably because he wants to object tomorrow."

I heard Rebecca mumble.


I yelled as I sat up from the bed.

"Nothing. I said nothing."

Rebecca said. But she did. I heard her clear as day. He's going to object my wedding? He doesn't want me to be happy unless it's with him, huh. That son of a bitch! Maybe I should tell Link? No. That would be very, very bad. Do I throw him out of the wedding party? I don't know. I'm too drunk to deal with this.

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