torn apart

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"Remind me to never drink again."

I groaned as Mercades applied eye shadow to my eyes. I'm so hungover. Like, more hungover then I've ever been before. I can't remember a thing from last night. And maybe that is a good thing. But the only thing that matters is that I'm getting married today. And nothing is going to stop that.

"I second that."

Ashley said as she finished curling her hair. Mercades finished my makeup and curled my now shoulder length hair as my anxiety rose. I'm really nervous for this wedding. I want everything to go right but I'm scared something is going to happen. Hopefully it's just a late bout of cold feet.

I heard a knock on the door as I looked at my "something old" bracelet and "something blue" necklace on the vanity in front of me. It's important to have these things because I very much want to follow traditions. I just wish I had "something new" to go along with these things. I just didn't have the time to find the perfect new thing.

"Hey beautiful."

I heard someone say as they walked into the room. I turned around to see Link standing there in his tux.

"No! You aren't suppose to see me! It's bad luck!"

I yelled as I turned my back to him.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. There's nothing that could tear us apart. I wanna see my beautiful bride."

Link said as he moved my hair to one side and kissed my neck. I turned around and smiled as I place a kiss on his lips.

"You look gorgeous. I can't wait to see you in your dress."

Link said as I smiled. 

"And you look so handsome. I'm the luckiest girl in the world."

I said as I fixed the collar on his shirt.

"Listen, I've got something for you. I know you've wanted something for your "something new" so I may or may not have picked something up for you while I was out with the guys last night."

Link said as he grabbed something out of his pocked and placed it in my hand. I looked down. to see a ring box in my hand. I opened the box to see a beautiful ring. I gasped as I looked up at Link.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you."

I said as I hugged Link.

"Of course. I'll see you out there. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said as I placed a kiss on Link's lips. He left as I put the new ring on my finger.

"I don't deserve him. I really don't."

I said as I looked up at the girls.

"Well, now you get to marry him. So let's get you in that dress so you can walk down that aisle."

Rebecca said as I smiled. 


"Holy shit...this is happening."

I said as I looked in the mirror. I smiled as I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder and saw my Dad standing besides me. I'm really glad he's here to walk me down the aisle. Most days he can't even get off the chair in the living room. And now he's walking me down the aisle.

"Thank you Daddy."

I said with a smile as I hugged him.

"Of course. I'm glad I finally get to walk the last of my girls down the aisle. I'm just glad you finally found a good guy."

My Dad said as I smiled. We both walked into the next room where all of my friends stood ready to walk down the aisle. And then there was Fergal and Kinsley in the corner. I walked over to Fergal and he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello baby girl!"

I said as I grabbed Kinsley from him and picked her up.

"I love you baby girl! You look so pretty! I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle and throw some flowers!"

I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Pam. It's time."

I heard Mercades say. I handed Kinsley back to Fergal as we all got in a line. Fergal and Kinsley went out and threw flowers first. Then Ashley and Manny walked down the aisle. Next was Colby and Rebecca. Then it was Mercades. Finally, my Dad and I walked through the big white double doors and down the aisle. As soon as I saw Link, he bursted into tears. I smiled as my own tears fell down my face. As soon as we reached the end of the aisle, I hugged my Dad and took Link's hands into mine.

"I love you."

I said with a smile as I wiped Link's tears. 

"I love you too."

Link said as I smiled. I couldn't even pay attention to what the preacher was saying cause I just felt so much love for Link. All the love in the world. I've never loved a man more in my life. Not Fergal. Not anybody.

"Now Lincoln, if you take this beautiful woman to be your wife, say I do."

The preacher said.

"I do."

Link said with a huge smile.

"And Pamela, if you take this man to be your husband, say I do."

"I do. I do, I do, I do!"

I said with a huge grin as everyone laughed.

"Now, if anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace."

The preacher said. This is it. I'm about to be married. I'm about to be Mrs. Christo-

"I object!"

My heart sunk. I looked over to see Fergal standing up. No. Please no. Don't do this.

"I love you, Pamela. And I always have. And leaving you was the worst mistake of my entire life. and seeing you with Kinsley and how amazing you are...I can't let you go Pam. I can't let you marry this fool when I'm your soulmate. I'm the one you belong with."

Fergal said. My heart shattered. I can't do this with him.

"I'm going to kill you!"

I heard Link yell as he headed towards Fergal. 


I yelled as I got in between them. Link looked at me as his eyes softened, as they always do when he looks form Fergal to me.

"Please stop. I'll take care of him. Don't worry about it."

"Well you better get him the hell out of here."

Link said. I walked over to Fergal as tears gathered in my eyes.

"Please give Kinsley to my Mom and go."

"Pam, just listen to me."

Fergal said.

"I don't love you! You burned that bridge and I cannot wait around for you. Please just leave!"

I cried. Fergal reluctantly gave Kinsley to my Mom and left with his head hung. I wiped my tears as I walked back up to Link.

"Can I please just get married now?!"

I called out to everyone. I looked back up at Link as wiped the stray tears falling down my face.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Christopher. You may kiss your bride!"

The preacher said as Link kissed me. I wish I could be happy right now but all I could think about is Fergal. And how I remember Rebecca telling me about this last night. How could she not tell me? How could he do this to me? I don't know. All I know is that life as we've all known it has severely changed.

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