jealously isn't a flattering color

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"Stupid knives."

I mumbled to myself as I looked at the tiny cut on my finger thanks to the sharp knife I just washed. I decided to do some chores around Fergal's house as a way to say thank you as him and Vero went to the gym. It's the least I could do for them for letting me stay at their house. So, their laundry is done, breakfast is made, dishes are done, and the house has been swept and mopped. Hopefully they appreciate it and don't mind. I haven't talked to Link since our fight. He doesn't even know I'm here. Or at least I don't think he does. I don't know. I'm just hurt by this whole situation. I mean, he told Mercy that he knew, but he didn't tell me? As I finished cleaning the sink, I heard the front door open and Vero and Fergal walked through it.

"Hey guys."

I said with a smile as they set their stuff down. Neither of them looked very happy. So, I grabbed their plates of food and set them down on the island for them.

"Breakfast is ready. And I did your laundry and dishes and cleaned the floors."

I said with a smile.

"Aw Pam, you didn't have to do all this."

Fergal said as he hugged me.

"It's no problem. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here last night. And also a sorry for ruining your dinner plans."

"You don't have to be sorry. You're welcome here anytime."

Fergal said as I smiled. That's when we heard a knock at the door. Fergal went to answer it and when he did, all I heard was yelling.

"Where the hell is she, Fergal?!"

I heard someone yell as I walked over to the door. And I knew just who that somebody was.

"Link stop."

I said as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You need to come home, Pam."

Link snapped at me.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Pam, stop being a hormonal bitch and let's go."

Link said as he grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me!"

I yelled as I tried to snatch my wrist away from him.

"She said let go of her!"

Fergal said as he shoved Link away from me. Link got in Fergal's face as I got in the middle of them.

"Both of you knock it off! What has gotten into you, Link?"

"I don't want you around this ass. And you need to come home and be with me. Not Fergal."

"He's my friend, Link. He's my daughter's father. I have to be around him."

"Well I'm sick of him always coming in between us. First it was the wedding, and then the last name, and now you come running to him when we fight. What's next?! Are you going to fuck him too?! Oh wait, you already did that!"

"Yeah, Link. I did. I fucked him for three years and I still fucking chose you in the end! I married you! And you don't fucking trust me! Even when I'm pregnant with your fucking kid. God, I'm so sick of this jealously from you!"

I screamed at him. For once, he was silent.

"Thanks for having me Fergal. I've got to go."

I said as I stormed off from both of them and got into my car. I pulled away and just started driving again. And here I am again, back to square one. Back to not knowing if my marriage is over. Not knowing if I have someone to come home too. Not knowing if I just ruined what last bit of family I had left. And the only thing that I want right now is my Mom and Dad.

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