I'll never know what you need

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Time Jump // 3 Months Later

"Good morning!"

Alex said as I walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey. Happy nine month anniversary."

I said with a smile as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. It's been a long three months. Fergal and Vero are still as annoying as always. Kinsley talks about her little brother nonstop since he'll be here in just two months. She just doesn't understand the issue of why Mommy doesn't really wanna talk about her little brother. But Alex always swoops in and talks with her no matter what. And that's why I love him so much.

Chelsie and Link have been fine. Chelsie is six months along so turns out that she's only a month behind Vero. It's so weird that both of my kids will have half-siblings soon. But, I mean, I guess they are half-siblings too.

"I wanna take you out to dinner tonight."

Alex said with a smile.

"Sounds great to me. I'll be ready for 8."

"Sounds perfect."

Alex said as he placed another kiss on my lips. I walked out of the kitchen and into our bedroom. I made sure to lock the door before walking over to my bed and pulling a small wooden box from under it. I opened the box up and pulled out the purple and white stick that read "positive" on it.

Surprise! I'm pregnant too. It wasn't anything planned. It was a night of fun with someone I love. And even though this baby wasn't planned, I'm excited for it. I have my first doctor appointment today but I haven't even told Alex that I'm pregnant. I'm trying to find the best time. And hey, maybe tonight at dinner will be a good time. And maybe having some pictures as proof will make him even more excited.

I'm sure Fergal will think I'm doing this to spite him and Vero. Or he'll call me a whore. But, you know what, I'm excited. I've been thinking about giving the girls a sibling recently and who cares that I'm not married to Alex? Link and I are still married and now we're both expecting new babies. It's just something that happened. But no one can break my spirits about this. I'm really excited for this next chapter.


"Pamela Christopher?"

I heard the doctor say as she walked into the exam room. 

"That's me."

I said with a smile. I'm excited to see my baby. It gives me butterflies in my stomach every time I get to see one of my babies. It did with Kinsley and Adalyn. Now I get to experience that one more time. And believe me, this is the last time. I don't think I can handle having four kids.

"Alright, let's get started."

The doctor said as she put the gel on my stomach and put the doppler on my stomach. I smiled as I looked up at the screen.

"Oh, wow."

The doctor said.

"What? Is something wrong?"

I asked her.

"No. I'm just picking up two heartbeats."


I asked as I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Yep. Definitely twins. Congratulations."

The doctor said as she smiled at me. Wow. Twins? That's...incredible. And crazy and shocking and nerve-wracking. So much for not wanting four kids. But, maybe this is God's funny way of telling me that I was destined to have four kids. And maybe this is a blessing. No, I know it is. And I'm just excited to be a Mom all over again.


I smiled as I looked across the table at Alex. He took me to this really fancy place for dinner but my nerves are a wreck. I brought the pregnancy test and the pictures from my ultrasound just incase I had the nerves to tell him tonight. But soon the night rushed past us and I never worked up the courage to tell him. I guess tonight just wasn't the right night. As we were leaving the restaurant, Alex stopped me and looked at me with a smile.

"I wanna take a picture of you. You look beautiful."

Alex said as I smiled. I stood on the sidewalk as Alex walked onto the bike lane side of the road. As he was taking pictures of me, I heard screaming come from down the road. That's when I saw someone swerving their car from the bike lane and onto the road. They were clearly drunk.

"Alex, move!"

I yelled out. But it was too late. The drunk driver struck him and kept on driving on his path on destruction. 


I screamed as I bent down and grabbed Alex's head and put it on my lap.

"Someone call an ambulance!"

I sobbed as I just watch the life leave Alex's eyes. By the time the paramedics got there, it was too late. He died in my arms. The father of two of my children died in my fucking arms. From a drunk driver. A drunk driver has now taken three people from me. My Mom, My Dad, and my boyfriend. Don't people fucking learn? Because now I just lost the man that I love. And my children won't ever get to know their father.

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