keep it to yourself

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I laid in bed, scrolling mindlessly through iInstagram, as the pain in my stomach kept radiating. I know I should go to the doctor's but I just can't deal with more pain and suffering right now. So I'm going to lay in this bed and not think about not seeing my daughter or my husband dying or the possibility of having a miscarriage. I sighed as my mindless scrolling was interrupted by Mercades' name popping up on my phone. 


I groaned as her face popped up on the screen.

"Hey. I was calling to see how everything was going."

Mercades said as I groaned in pain.

"Are you okay?"

She asked.

"No. I'm having the worst cramps in the world."

"You need to go to the hospital. There could be something seriously wrong with the baby."

Mercades said.

"What's the point? So they can confirm that I'm losing the last piece of my family? I'm good."

"The point is you need to go and make sure you aren't dying. Don't make me come down there and force you to go. Cause I will."

Mercades said. I rolled my eyes as I sat up in my bed.

"Fine. I'll go."

I said. I hung up the phone and grabbed my car keys before heading out the door. I don't want to go to the hospital. It brings back pain and represents the end of life. But, I'm just doing it so Mercades isn't worried. She's pregnant too. She needs to take care of herself too.


I moaned in pain as I switched sides on the bed. Fucking appendicitis. Who gives a flying fuck about appendicitis? I don't. Anyway, now I have to have surgery. And I didn't think my week could get any worse. I looked up when I heard a knock on the door and saw Max and Olivia walking into my room.

"Hey. How are you?"

Olivia asked as she walked over to me and began stroking my hair. 

"I'm fine. How did you guys know I was here?"

I asked her.

"I saw your name on a chart so we figured we'd pay you a visit. What did they diagnose you with?"


I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's nothing to take lightly. At least you and the baby are safe and you're going to be fine."

Olivia said as I nodded.

"So why didn't you come back to see my brother?"

Max asked coldly.

"I was in a lot of pain. I needed to go home."

"Don't you think my brother was in a lot of pain when you walked out on him?"

"Max, stop!"

Olivia yelled at him.

"How about when he committed suicide and you were too selfish to check on him?! You're a horrible excuse for a wife!"

Max yelled at me. Olivia dragged him out of the room, all while screaming at him, as I began to cry. He's not wrong. I'm a horrible wife. And his whole family has every right to throw that in my face. And maybe I should've just let the hot acid in my stomach seep out and kill me. I don't know. All I know is that everything Max said was right. This is all my fault.

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