makeshift family

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"I swear to god if you splash me with paint, I will kill you."

I said to Link as he held a paint brush, covered in pink paint, up to my face. We went the the courthouse and filed our visitation suit against Fergal and they surprisingly got us a court date within a week. So now Link and I have to get Kinsley's room together for when we get to see her.

"What if I do...this?"

Link said as he touched my nose with the paint brush.

"You're dead!"

I yelled as I threw my paint brush down. Link threw his paint brush down as he ran around the room. I chased him out of the room and down the hall before jumping on his back.

"I gotcha!"

I said with a laugh as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"You're a brat."

Link said as I hopped off of him. If only Kinsley was here. That would make everything perfect.

"After we finish Kinsley's room, we have to do the baby's room too."

Link said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"I think we should wait till we find out the gender. I know you're anxious to do it but I would rather just wait until we find out."

I said.

"Whatever you want. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said as I kissed him. This is what I've always wanted out of our marriage. Not the fights and the crying and the arguments. Just pure love. That's the type of environment I want to bring Kinsley and our baby into. I want them to always feel happiness and to know that they're loved. And I hope I can always provide that for my family.

"How are you feeling?"

Link asked as I ran the straightener through my hair. Today is our court day and I honestly feel pretty confident. I think I might actually have a good shot at seeing Kinsley. I'm just really hoping everything works out in our favor.

"Pretty good. I'm just ready to get this over with."

I said as I put the straightener down. I sighed as I turned to look at Link. I don't know why but all of my emotions seem to hit me in that moment and tears rushed down my face.

"Hey, don't cry."

Link said as he hugged me. 

"I just miss her so much."

I cried into his chest. 

"We're going to see her today. I promise. Everything will workout."

Link said as he kissed the top of my head. 

"I love you."

I sniffled as I looked up at him.

"I love you too. Now let's go before we're late."

Link said as he took my hand and led me out of the house. When we arrived at the courthouse, we stood outside for a little bit while we waited for our lawyer. As we were waiting, I noticed Fergal and this Vero chick walk past us. Fergal sent a dirty look my way as I kept my head held high. I won't let him break me down. I won't let him make me feel horrible. 


I paced around the living room as I heard Link walk into the room. I can't sit down. I'm too jittery. I'm too anxious. All I can do is pace and let my mind race.

"Baby, sit down."

Link said as he pulled me onto the couch. 

"I'm too anxious. It's been a really long day."

I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I know. And it's almost over. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said as I kissed him. That's when I heard someone knock on the door.

"I'm coming!"

I yelled as I practically ran towards it. I swung it open to see a clearly upset Fergal holding Kinsley in one arm and a diaper bag in the other.

"Come here baby girl!"

I said with a smile as I took her out of his arms. I won. I get her every other week. I finally get to see my daughter without having to sneak around. And if Fergal doesn't let me see my daughter, he loses custody. But I don't care about that. All I care about is having my daughter in my arms. And that's what I have.

"I'll take that."

I said as I took the diaper bag off his shoulder. 

"I'll see you next week."

I said with a smile.

"Whatever. You're a fucking bitch."

Fergal said as he walked away. I could care less about what he thinks of me. I'm here for my daughter, not him. And he can be bitter and upset all he wants but it won't fix anything. And I'm sure he'll be badmouthing me all around Orlando. But I'll still sit with my head held high. Because I'll never let that man effect me or my life ever again. He can go to hell for all I care.

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