Chapter 1: LWLO:Why You Love Me So Much ??

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LWLO: Life with the Little One.

" Will you really sit here all the time...." asked Magnus looking at Alec who was sitting with an eleven months ten days old Max on his lap.

Both Max and Alec nodded at the same time looking at Magnus.

Magnus sighed.

" What else do you expect me to do husband inhaled the evil Memory Potion and fainted on the floor of his workplace. Then he threw both of us out of the house thinking me a bar stripper and this one as my faked up kid...?" asked Alec looking straight into Magnus' eyes and pointing at Max on his lap.

Magnus rolled his eyes.

Magnus was preparing to complete his unfinished work of the Memory Potion.

Both Alec and Max decided to sit by their husband and papa *respectively* so that Magnus did not faint again and this time wake up with memory loss of God knows how many years.

"Will you sit beside me every time I perform a potion making?" asked Magnus.

Alec and Max looked at each other.

" At least we can stay in this one..." said Alec .

Magnus started working on the potion and was occassionally peeking at his husband and son.

Alec and Max were looking Magnus with vigilant eyes.

" You know , both of you are looking  like two owls ...just one big and one small ....." said Magnus.

" Whatever you say Magnus...we are not going to go anywhere...." said Alec determined.

Magnus concentrated in his work again.

"You hungry , sweetie...." asked Alec lovingly to his little piece of heart.

Max nodded.

Magnus observed this and was about to be relieved thinking that Alec and Max would go out to have Max's feed.

But to his utter disappointment Alec pulled a basket out from under the seatee on which he was sitting and pulled a  bottle. He shook the bottle well and shoved the bottle into Max's mouth  placing him comfortably on his lap.

The feeling of relief that was in the process of inflation in Magnus' mind deflated before time.

Alec looked at his warlock and smirked .

" Alec Lightwood Bane prepares  himself well for every mission..." said Alec to his warlock.

Magnus stuck his tongue out.

Halfway through the bottle Max's eyes were threatening to close.

Alec observed that , he pulled up Max on his shoulder and patted his back . Max burped loud. Then Alec  pulled out a makeshift comfy bed from under the seatee and lay Max on it . He patted Max gently and started humming the familiar french lullaby which his mother used to sing to him and his siblings.

Magnus was observing all these diligently .

He said " What else are there under that seatee ?? I am expecting that you can pull a whole Jacuzzi bath tub from under that seatee."

" Concentrate on your work , High Warlock ...." said Alec.

Magnus tried to concentrate in his work again.

Alec continued to hum the lullaby to Max.

A few minutes later Magnus found  himself dozzing off amidst reading his book.

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