Chapter 13 : Alec's Quest Pt1

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" a good boy to Papa....I am going to New York Institute for two days ....enjoy the time with your Papa....okay..." said Alec to Max holding him in his arms.

Max said " Max lub Dadda...."

"Dada loves Max too...a lot..." said Alec kissing again his little piece of heart.

Magnus was standing in front of Alec and looking lovingly at his two loves.

Alec looked at Magnus and kissed him on his lips. It was a slow loving good- bye kiss. Magnus savoured every moment of it . Max giggled shyly and put his two chubby little hands on his eyes.

Both Alec and Magnus laughed at the little one's antics.

"Take care of yourself...don't overstress yourself with too much work ...okay..." said Magnus.

"That applies to you as well ....don't overstress yourself with too many clients...." said Alec to Magnus.

"I will be back by the day after tomorrow....just be alright..." said Alec kissing Magnus on cheeks.

Magnus made a portal for Alec to New York Institute. Alec handed Max over to Magnus kissing Max's two little cheeks one last time. Max giggled shyly again.

Alec waved good bye and entered into the portal.

Max and Magnus waved back at Alec .

Soon the portal engulfed Alec leaving Max and Magnus behind.

Magnus sighed when the portal disappeared as he would not be able to see his shadowhunter for two days .

Max stopped smiling as the big hole engulfed his Dada and he could not see his Dada anymore.

"Pappa....??" asked Max.

"Yes...Sweetheart..." said Magnus.

"Dadda??" asked Max.

"Dada went to Aun Izzy at the New York Institute....he would come back to you ...." said Magnus kissing Max on his head.

Max nodded.

"Come...we must enjoy each other's company ....little buddy...and try to cope with missing your handsome Dada a little ." said Magnus.

"Yay...." said Max giggling.

"And there was this big dinosaur who came to take Maxie...but our Maxie is a brave boy...he can do anything and he used his strong magic and he attacked the dinosaur with all his might....and wham!! , pow!! The dinosaur had dark eyes and puffy head and he asked for mercy from our Prince Maxie...our Prince Maxie has a kind and big heart just like his Dada ....and he forgave the dinosaur, but not without warning. The dinaosaur was so scared that he ran away propping his tail up...." finished Magnus his story ...while bathing Max and changing him into fresh clothes.

Max giggled at the story about Brave Max and clapped his hands.

" are going to stay at Aun Cat 's place for some time...I have to take a client. I will drop you at Aun Cat's house on my way to my workplace and pick you up while coming back. Be a good little boy .....who you are of course .....and don't be naughty naughty ...okay...." said Magnus.

Max giggled and clapped " Madjjy....Madjjy...."

"Oh...that's why you are so excited would get to play with Madzie...." said Magnus chuckling.

"Heee...heehee...heehee...." giggled Max.

"Well seems that you cannot wait to meet your lets not wait much either ...lets go...." said Magnus putting Max in his baby carrier and pulling his business bag on his shoulder.

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