Chapter 94 : Deserve

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"Alexander , where are you ...?" asked Magnus  searching his husband through out  his mansion.

"I am in the kitchen " said Alec from the kitchen responding to his warlock.

Alec was cooking on the gas and feeding Max simultaneously.   Max was sitting on the counter and was having his dinner.

Magnus entered the kitchen . He saw that Alec was busy making the dinner and also busy feeding Max .

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter.

That was the most beautiful picture he could ask for where he could see his world in one whole frame.

Magnus smiled and pulled out his phone from his pocket . He clicked a photograph of an eight months pregnant Alec who was freeding Max his dinner with the help of a spoon .

Magnus successfully captured his whole world , his whole family on his phone and quickly made the photograph his phone's wallpaper.

Magnus smiled at the photo.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " Dear , you came back.. please change, the dinner is almost ready ..."

Magnus smiled and came near Alec.

"Pappa..." said Max and was about to fly to his Papa.

"No will finish your dinner first and then fly to will make Papa's expensive suit  dirty with the food that you have all over your jumper. I anyways have to change you ." said Alec to his baby boy.

Max looked at his Dada and nodded his head like an obidient child which he was after all.

Max opened his mouth to take another morsel from his Dada's hands.

Alec smiled and put the spoon lovingly into Max's mouth.

Max chewed the food with his little teeth.

Magnus held Alec from his back . Alec leaned a little on Magnus.

Magnus' hands easily went over  Alec's bump, which was evergrowing with the passing months.

"Tired ?" asked Magnus.

Alec smiled and said " Yes , a bit. Rafe is getting heavier , carrying him around ,makes me tired. "

Magnus caressed Alec's belly and said " One more month and he will be here among us. "

Alec smiled and nodded. He put another morsel of food in Max's mouth . Max grabbed the food in his little mouth. He looked at his parents and grinned.

Alec smiled at his baby boy.

"A little more and then you will finish your bowl and then you can go to your Papa..." said Alec to Max.

Max smiled in excitement .

Magnus chuckled.

"Love, you sit . I will feed him and then change him . " said Magnus.

"It's okay , Magnus . I have to finish making the dinner." said Alec.

Magnus pulled himself out of the back embrace.

He snapped his fingers and a comfortable chair appeared just beside Alec. The making of the food was finished quickly by Magnus' magic.  Magnus held Alec and took Max's spoon from Alec's hands and gently shoved Alec to sit on the chair.

"Oh , Magnus , what are you doing ?" asked Alec to his warlock.

Magnus kissed Alec on his forehead and said " I am doing what I am supposed to do , because , Love , you need rest . "

Magnus smiled and  made Max to finish his dinner. He snapped his finger and Max was dressed in clean clothes.

Max giggled and made grabby hands towards Magnus.

Magnus smiled.

Alec chuckled.

"He is so eager to be in your arms..." said Alec from the chair.

Magnus smiled and said " After all I am his loving Papa, am I not my little Prince "

Max smiled and hugged his Papa.

"Awww, I like that , Love " said Magnus.

Alec smiled at his loving family.

Magnus was busy kissing his little piece of heart. But his phone was about fall from his pocket.

It toppled and was in the air , when Alec held it with his hands.

"Oh!! I got your phone , it was about to fall " said Alec.

Magnus smiled and said " Oh thanks...Love "

Alec looked at the wallpaper of the phone.

Alec could see the picture of him juat a few minutes ago when he was feeding Max .

Alec smiled and looked at Magnus.

"This is not a beautiful picture of mine. I was in the most shabby dress- trousers and sweatshirt with a watermelon on my belly." said Alec.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter with Max happily perched on his waist.

"That is actually my whole world in one frame. The love of my life . My first born and the one about to come soon. And you cannot be more beautiful that this...carrying our little Rafe. " said Magnus bending and kissing Alec's cheeks.

Alec smiled .

Alec stared at Magnus with unbelieving eyes.

"What ??" asked Magnus a little surpirsed .

"It's that , what good did I do to get you ?" asked Alec to Magnus

Magnus smiled and said " Rather , I must ask what good things did I do to get you ? "

Alec smiled and said " I did a good thing . The good thing of loving you and making you the king of my heart . "

Magnus smiled and said " I also did the same thing to have you . I loved the best person in this world.  And you rule my heart too. "

Alec smiled and said " We desrve each other."

Magnus nodded and said " Yes, love , we deserve each other " .

Alec smiled and said " I love you."

Magnus said " I love you too. "

Alec smiled at his warlock.

//to be continued //

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