Chapter36 : You are my Saviour

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"Mmmmm" moaned Alec as his warlock gave him a pleasuring kiss.

"Mmmm, you seemed to be enjoying ...don't you ?" asked Magnus in his aroused raspy voice.

"You know it...make me enjoy more...Husband..." responded Alec in his warlock's embrace , equally aroused at his warlock's gentle touches.

"Your wish ,my order..Love " said Magnus and  engaged himself back in a session of pleasuring kisses with his shadowhunter .

"Undress me...." said Alec in a little above whisper.

"Yes sir , how can I deny the orders of the Inquisitor ?" asked Magnus.

Magnus started unbuttoning Alec's shirt.

Alec did not lay on the bed idle . He also was doing his work arduously.  The work of unbuttoning his warlock's floral designed shirt.

Alec was faster than his warlock. He made his husband bare bodied before his husband could make him and going a step ahead , he started exploring his warlock's body slowly taking the pleasure of the contact. It was umpteenth time that Alec had  savoured his warlock yet it felt all new , utterly blissful every single time. This time was no exception.

"You are so fast..." said Magnus.

"Shadowhunter, Magnus" responded Alec pulling his warlock closer to himself. 

Magnus was at the last button of Alec's shirt, which he unbuttoned quickly to kiss his husband who was getting impatient with passing time.

The excitement was enjoyable for both the couples. The kisses evolved into deeper sexual explorations.

The couple performed their divine loveplay which was revitalizing for both of them . Their loveplay sacrilized their sacred union more.

It was three in the morning when Magnus' eyes opened from a sudden sound coming from the side of his bed.

"Please...please...let me go....let me go...Jos me go..." said Alec in his sleep.

Magnus went wide eyed. He quickly switched the lights of the bedroom on and looked carefully at his shadowhunter. Alec was drenched in his sweat and chanting like a mantra ' Jos...let me go..Jos...let me go....'

"Oh God !!!!" whispered Magnus to himself.

"Alexander ...Alexander...wake up...Love, come out of it ...come out of's not real's not real....come out...." said Magnus shaking Alec gently yet with strength to wake him up from his nightmare.

Alec gasped and woke up with a sudden jerk ....

He looked at Magnus in front of him . He blinked twice looking at his husband and then clutched Magnus like a child.

"Oh...Magnus was  horrible, was horrible ...." said Alec and snuggled more into his warlock's body .

Magnus clutched Alec tight and said " I understand.....shh . ....everything is fine ...I am right beside you...."

There was a meaningful pause . Magnus was caressing Alec's head and  Alec was clutching Magnus tight . Magnus was his safe haven . His place of solace.

"Would you mind ...if I take away your past life memories and feelings....???" asked Magnus with prudence.

Alec squirmed a little in Magnus' embrace and  asked " Will that take away the horrible nightmare which I just had...???"

"Yes, it will....Love. I can't see you like this...." said Magnus.

"Then wipe the memories where I was raped in my past life ....." said Alec .

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