Chapter 21: Whats and Whys

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"Dada....???" said Max in his sweetest voice.

"Yes...sweetie...??" asked Alec responding to his little angelic warlock.

"Wat ij thij...? (What is this?)" asked Max.

Alec was reading a book on the history of the Angels.

Max was sitting on Alec's lap  looking at the pictures on  the book. 

Magnus was not in the house. He had gone to attend to one of his old clients whom even Alec knew well, giving Alec and Max some quality time of their own.

Suddenly Max asked to his Dada pointing at Alec's wedding ring.

Alec looked at the object at which Max was pointing  . He smiled a little.

"Wat ijj thijj, Dadda...??" asked Max again.

"Um...Sweetie..Its a ring..." said Alec to his baby who is full of queries and questions with his growing age. Though he is just one year and few months old.

"A rringghh??" asked Max to his loving Dada.

"Yes , Sweetie....."said Alec.

"Whoo givve you ringghh ...." asked little Max further.

"Your Papa gave me this ring ...." said Alec.

"Papa ...ringhhh..." uttered Max.

Max went silent  for  a few seconds . His little mind was wondering on other things.

Alec concentrated again on his book.

"Dadda ....what ij thij....??" asked little Max again . This time pointing at Alec's deflect rune on his neck.

"Oh ..this is a rune , Maxie...??" replied Alec.

"A lune...." repeated Max.

"Wat ijj lune...Dadda...?" asked Max again.

"Dada is a shadowhunter , Maxie . These runes are for shadowhunters . They help in increasing our powers..." said Alec.

"Dadda ij a" said Max.

Alec chuckled as little Max's little tongue could not utter 'shadowhunter'.

"A sha-dow-hun-ter" uttered Alec for his baby boy.

"Cha-dhow-hunt---errrr...." repeated Max.

Alec stiffled a laugh not to offend his little piece of heart.

"Max ij a cha-dhow-hunt.....??" asked Max.

"Umm..not exactly are a shadowhunter and a warlock " said Alec to his angelic warlock.

"Butt ...Dadda is Cha-dow-hunt-" asked Max.

"Yes, but Pappa is a warlock too...soo you are not just an angel but a warlock too" said Alec.

Again there was a few seconds of silence. But Alec was waiting for the next question from his inquisitive son.

"Dadda....?" asked Max snuggling into Alec's body .

Alec smiled a little  moving his fingers through Max's smooth raven black mop of hairs .

"Yes , sweetie...?" said Alec .

"Ij...Pappa...yyour Pappa too....??" asked Max .

Alec chuckled.

"" said Alec.

" Whho ijj Pappa to you ....?? " asked Max.

"Um...Pappa is my husband. And I love him a lot...." said Alec to his boy.

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