Chapter 85 : Hypnotise 1

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"Love...what are you doing must not be here,Love...there would be fumes while I would work ...inhaling the fumes would not be good for you..." said Magnus to Alec who came inside the workplace of Magnus as he was working on a potion making.

Alec said " I was bored , Magnus. Max is also don't let me do any work either I will just sit here and will watch you doing work. "

'Have your Parabati not given you Clave's paperwork to do...??" asked Magnus wiggling his brows.

"No..he will come in the evening..." said Alec sitting slowly on the seatee and clutching his pregnant belly.

Magnus snapped his fingers and cushions appeared on the seatee.  Alec smiled at his warlock and said " Thank you , Papa"

Alec put the cushions on his back . With his growing bump, his back was the most hurting part in his body.

Magnus chuckled at Alec and said " Anything for you , Dada ".

Alec smiled.

"Well...then that will be good. " said Magnus.

Alec looked at Magnus questioningly.

"Well, I want you to tell Jace to bring Luci with him. I wanted to try hypnotism on Luci " said Magnus.

'Are you sure, Magnus try hypnotism on little Luci...." said Alec a little hesitating.

Magnus went and sat beside Alec , and  said " Love , you have faith in me right ??"

Alec nodded his head and said " Of course , I have faith in you ....I will tell Jace  to bring little Luci with him ."

Magnus smiled at Alec.

Alec smiled back.

Alec quickly dialled Jace and said "Jace I want you to bring little Luci to my place when you would come here in the evening..."

"No Alec...just no..." said Jace from the other side of the phone.

Magnus quickly took the phone from Alec and said " It was me who wanted Luci to come with you . I wanted to try hypnotism on Luci to tame his power of possessing...also embed in little Luci's  mind that Alec and Max love him ,so that , little Luci's subconscious mind could mould his brain into a beautiful person and forget taking revenge from Alec and Max.

"Oh...are you is safe ??" said Jace  a little concerned.

"I am a father myself Jace. And it is safe believe will not harm Luci. It will just help him to cope up with Asmodeus. "  said Magnus.

Jace said " Yeh , I believe in your magic..I will take Luci with me. "

Magnus said " Thanks, Jace ".

Alec smiled . His parabati was gradually believing in his husband . He was relieved to know that.

Magnus disconnected the phone.

"He will bring little Luci " said Magnus to Alec.

Alec smiled and said " You can execute  your plan. "

Magnus nodded his head.

*knock* ...*knock*

Alec put the book he was reading on the couch and was about to pull himself up when Magnus used his magic to open the door .

"You should not forget love that you have a warlock husband " said Magnus.

Alec smiled at his warlock and sat back on the couch.

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