Chapter 58 : Magic Manifested Pt1

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Alec completed his first trimester successfully . He was three months pregnant.

Magnus struck the date on the calender grinning.

Alec looked at Magnus balancing himself on his elbow on the bed placing his hands on his small bump that started to form on his lower belly . 

"What are you doing ...?" asked Alec to Magnus.

"Counting days till the arrival of the new member of the family . " said Magnus looking lovingly at Alec .

Alec chuckled did not count dates during the time of Max.

"Good point " said Magnus .

"It was my first time dealing an unexpected thing which I could not think of ,even in my wildest dreams. So, ( Magnus came near the bed and sat beside Alec on the bed ..) I could not relish each and every moment. This time I want to feel every moment of our pregnancy. " said Magnus caressing Alec's small baby bump.

Alec smiled at his warlock .

"You know , Alexander , having a family of my own ...was never in my lexicon. I am a sterile warlock. Now when I see to my life , I believe in the phrase that everything is possible and we should be open enough to accept everything.  " said Magnus.

Alec pulled Magnus' hands from his belly which were so far lovingly caressing his bump and kissed Magnus' hands.

Magnus looked at Alec said " Thanks for making all these possible in my life..."

Alec looked at Magnus. Alec sat upright and cupped Magnus' face and kissed him dearly on his lips.

Magnus welcomed the lips of his shadowhunter.  Magnus' hands moved through out the bare body of his shadowhunter.

Alec too started exploring Magnus' body equally. Their little kissing session evolved into more heated make out.

Alec and Magnus both were excited. Alec said " Please make love to me..."

Magnus looked at Alec stopping his hands to explore his husband's body .

"What ???" asked Alec .

"I ...I ...don't want to hurt the baby ...." said Magnus.

Alec pulled Magnus more towards him .

"Magnus, you will not hurt the baby ...I want this..." said Alec .

"Are you sure ....???" asked Magnus.

"Why would not I be ...???" asked Alec .

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter.

"If you feel uncomfortable , you will tell me....okay..." said Magnus to Alec .

Alec smiled and nodded his head.


Alec and Magnus called all the members of the extended Lightwood-Bane family to their house. They both decided to reveal to the family the news of the arrival of the new member of the family.

"Oh..god..Alec ...why are you glowing ...Sweetie...the light around you is so soothing..." asked Maryse hugging Alec tightly .

Alec came out of his mother's loving hug and said  " You will know soon , Mum "

Maryse looked in a little doubt at Alec.

Robert looked at Alec and Magnus and said " I hope , you two are not in some trouble or have you given Alec a wrong potion or has your magic failed ??"

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