Chapter 79 : Alert-3

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"Magnus ...have you seen a whale with two feet ...???" asked Alec watching himself in front of the mirror.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter from the bed . Magnus was playing with Max who was rightfully sitting on Magnus' belly and playing with his Papa's hands.

Alec was standing in front of the mirror checking his bump that was peeking out from the satin shirt he was wearing.

Magnus smiled and looked at Alec .

"You are not yet as huge as a whale...Love..." said Magnus casually.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " You mean that one day I will be as big as a whale..."

Magnus looked at Alec with wide eyes.

"Oh...I didn't mean it that way..." said Magnus hesitating.

Alec smiled and said " Don't worry ...I am not mad at you...Can you do something with this bump...I mean with your magic."

Magnus looked at Alec confused .

"I mean can you hide it for today's I don't want to look like a fat penguin in the celebration." said Alec.

Magnus made Max to play with his toys and himself went near Alec. He held Alec by his shoulders and said " Don't feel bad about your body...Love. You are not looking like a fat penguin. You are glowing. You are carrying the Angel. Also I must not use magic on Rafe would not be good for him.  All our guests who are coming today are close family ...they know that you are blessed with the divine work to manifest Angel Ithuriel to the shadow world. If suddenly your bump got vanished ....that would rather be surprising for them .. they would love to see you like this rather than the opposite. "

Alec looked into Magnus' cat-eyes and said " You are a know that right ???"

Magnus smiled and said " Yes , I am a magician ...I am a warlock and have magic. "

Alec chuckled and said " No , Magnus are a magician in the sense that you made me feel good about myself and my body in seconds by your wise words. It's good to have an old warlock as one's husband get to hear wise words when you are in problems..."

Magnus chuckled and said " I would take it as a complement my love. "

Magnus smoothened Alec's shirt on his body and said " And I must say that you are looking as beautiful as always."

Alec smiled and said " You enlightened my mood..husband. Also you are looking handsome as always .."

Magnus smiled and took Alec's lips. Alec smiled in between the kiss and said " Are all the preparations for the celebration ready...???"

Magnus nodded .

"You have got the best worlock at your service ...everything...have to be perfect like me..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled and hugged Magnus.

Magnus held his shadowhunter lovingly.

Magnus squirmed a little and asked " Was that a kick ...???"

Alec nodded his head in an yes.

Magnus chuckled and said " Well that was a hard one...he is going on the Lightwoods...always kicking  other's asses. "

Alec chuckled this time and said...

"Yah..may be...Max did not kick me so Rafe is doing.." said Alec.

Magnus chuckled and said " Told you...the Kicking Lightwoods "

Alec laughed.

There was a knock on the door.

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