Chapter 69 : Shulpige Pt 2

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Alec was busy talking to Maryse . Max was on his Granma's lap. Maryse was caressing Alec's cheeks and animatedly talking on something . Magnus smiled a little at the mother and son.

Magnus looked at Jace . He went to him and asked ...

"Jace ....don't take me otherwise ....but why have you brought Luci near Alec...???" asked Magnus in a worried voice.

"I know ...even I did not want to do that....but Maryse and Robert are here. They would not understand that why we all came to the party and  Clary did not that too with Lucifer. So I have to bring Luci here. That's why I am carrying Luci ....and this time I will not let Asmodeus do any mischief with Alec . " said Jace .

Magnus nodded his head  worriedly .

"Are you sure...???" asked Magnus to Jace .

"Magnus ....he is my parabati ....I will not let anything happen to him ...." said Jace to Magnus.

Magnus smiled a little and patted Jace on his shoulder.

"Magnus...come for cutting  the cake ...." shouted Alec to his husband.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter and grinned ear to ear.

Magnus came near the birthday cake . It was glitter themed cake. There were glitters of all colour on the cake .

On top of the cake it was written "800 and counting ".

Magnus chuckled a little . He went near the cake . He took the knife from his shadowhunter. Alec was standing with Max being seated on his waist .

Magnus blew the candle off . All the guests clapped . Magnus cut the cake. He took a small piece and held it in front of Alec . Alec smiled and took a small bite of the cake.  Magnus kissed his shadowhunter on his cheeks and said almost in a whisper ..." Thanks for making my life worth living after all these years of just existing . "

A tear drop came out of Magnus' eyes .  Alec wiped the tear with his thumb and kissed Magnus' eyes. He said " No more tears ....only smiling..."

Magnus chuckled a little.

Magnus took another small piece of the cake and made Max to eat it .

Max giggled and clapped his hands and saying " Habby Purthday....Pappa...."

Magnus pulled Max in his arms and said " Thank you little darling ..."

Magnus kissed Max on his head. 

Magnus cut another small piece of cake and held again in front of Alec's mouth.

Alec looked a little confused at his warlock .

Magnus smiled and said " This one is for Rafe ..."

Alec smiled a little and ate the cake .

Magnus caressed Alec's belly and said "All the members of my family had the first morsel of the cake. "

Alec smiled lovingly at his warlock.

Izzy and Clary came forward .

" we can dig into the cake....its looking delicious..."

Magnus and Alec chuckled .

Magnus snapped his fingers and the cake was cut into small pieces and they were arranged in plates for all the guests.

Alec held his glass of juice high and said " A toast for a long and healthy life of my husband . "

All the guests present lifted their glass up and said " Cheers".

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