Chapter 42 : A talk with the Angel

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"Alexander, Alexander....wake up...wake up...Alexander...wake your soul up ...son ...." said a heavenly voice to Alec.

Alec looked around himself. It was a place which had nothing , it was empty yet Alec was feeling the pleasure of seeing a beautiful sight. He was not feeling his body , yet he was feeling himself and having himself in full consciousness.

Alec tried to find out where he was but there was nothing scene , no houses , no landscapes...nothing was a vast emptyness. There was no end to that emptyness.

Alec was feeling bliss , satisfaction , happiness, no worry for future. He felt that he had reached his destination ...there was no past , no present, no future in that state.

"Alexander..look at me Son...." said the heavenly voice again.

Alec looked up and saw a bright light. The light was bright yet it was soothing and not stinging to his eyes.

He asked "Who are you ...?"

"You did not recognise me ...son ..
I am your father , the father of all shadowhunters.... " said the heavenly voice.

"Ang...Angel Raziel....???" asked Alec in amazement and awe at the same time.

"Yes, son...." said the heavenly voice of Angel Raziel.

"Pardon my ignorance , Father ...I could not recognise you ..." said Alec in a respectful and humble voice.

"Alexander , I have a wish which I want you to fulfill for me...." said Angel Raziel.

"Order me , father..." said Angel Raziel.

"No , son's not my order.I am your father yet I cannot and should not impose my wishes on you ....I can just make the wish , whether you will fulfill it , is upto you ..." said the heavenly voice.

"Yes, father I am eager to listen to your wishes..." said Alexander.

"It must not be unknown to you that Angel Ethuriel was killed by Lilith , the mother of all demons ( Reference from the show: Shadowhunters).With his death , there happened a power imbalance in the shadowworld and also in heaven . Angel Ethuriel needed to be born . He was eager to take birth from Clarissa's womb since she was his blood-daughter. With Angel Ethuriel's manifestation , the power imbalance in the shadowworld would have been restored. But Asmodeus, who was disintegrated by venerated Great Demon (Reference : Chapter :The Curse , Malec One-Shot, Book 1, by this author) when he was inside your blessed womb , has manifested himself from Clarissa's womb before Angel Ethuriel. Asmodeus wants to take  revenge from the Great Demon and you , since you were the one who ordered your unborn son to kill Asmodeus.Asmodeus wanted the  retainment of the power imbalance in the shadowworld  . That would make him all powerful to take his revenge well.

Now Angel Ethuriel needs a womb to manifest himself. He would be honoured to take birth from you blessed womb , Alexander. My wish is , you and the holy Warlock Magnus Bane help Angel Ethuriel to manifest himself once again in the shadowworld and restore the power imbalance in the shadow world and in heaven. Also with Angel Ethuriel as the venerated Great Demon's younger brother , would make the Great Demon more powerful and help him in his selfless endevour of restoring law and order in the kingdom of Edom .

"It would be my great honour to manifest Angel Ethuriel, once again in the shadowworld....Father. I am humbled that the Angel chose me and my warlock husband Magnus for this divine plan....Father "said Alec bowing his head to the divine light.

"Father , do I have  the permission of asking a question..?" asked Alec to the heavenly light .

"Yes, son , I am your father , you can ask me anything. As a father I am bound to answer all your queries." Said Angel Raziel.

"Father , Clarrisa has pure Angel blood and so is her husband Jace , then how could they manifest a demon like Asmodeus..? " asked Alexander.

"Oh son Alexander....Asmodeus is a demonic conscience . The blood is not important here. Little Lucifer has pure angel blood but his consciousness would be demonic. He is full of negativity.  He is full of revenge against you and little Max.

On the contrary , the venerated Great Demon is again a conscience . His consciousness is full of posivity. He knows to love , to care , to respect , to honour ....again the blood is not important. It is one's conscience that makes him demonic or angelic.

Thus Great Demon even after  having half demon blood  from his father warlock Magnus Bane is far more angelic than little Lucifer  who has pure angel blood." finished Angel Raziel.

Alec was mesmerised by the Angel's explanation. He understood that Magnus Bane even after being a warlock (half demon) was far more angelic than many other shadowhunters who claims to have pure angel blood. Blood is not important for one's nature. Blood does not define a person , his nature , but his conscience does.

Alec smiled in his mind .

"Son, will you help in realizing my wish ....?" asked Angel Raziel.

"I would be honoured in doing so , Father.." said Alec to the Angel-head.

"But , father , few days back , I had a vision that....Max's brother was dying in a battle field...if that is true...then how could I bring a son of my own only to see him die....?" asked Alec pleading to the Angel.

"You are a powerful shadowhunter , you have a powerful husband warlock Magnus Bane , you have the venerated Great Demon as your first will overcome all the problems son , also Angel Ethuriel is manifesting through you ...not to die....Alexander....he is a powerful angel himself , it would not be easy to kill him this time." said Angel Raziel with amusement in his voice.

Alec smiled as all his queries being answered.

"Your wish would be a divine order for me ...Father  " said Alec.

"I am glad that you decided to fulfill my wish...but there would be some reluctance from your husband holy warlock Magnus Bane...I hope you will be able to overcome that through your tremendous  love for your husband." said Raziel .

"What kind of reluctance , father?" asked Alexander to Angel Raziel.

"That I leave on you to find out son, and I have faith in your divine love with your husband that would help you to overcome all hurdles in manifesting Angel Ethuriel on the earth once again." said Angel Raziel.

"Bless you  , Alexander...May you have all the happiness in this world. " said Angel Raziel.

Alec woke with a gasp. He was drenched in his own sweat.

He looked around him . He was sleeping on his plush bed . Magnus was having a sound sleep  on his side of bed. Alec took the glass of water from the nightstand and drank the whole content.

He held his head in his hands. Each and every word of his dream was still playing in his head. It was so vivid - scene by scene , word by word.

Alec moved stealthily out of the bed and went into Max's room. Alec went towards the crib . Max was sleeping peacefully after the party.

Alec looked at Max and said in a whisper...

"You wanted a brother dear will get one...he will be an angel ....ANGEL ETHURIEL."


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