Chapter 32: Magnus !!!!! Pt8

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Both the Parabati , started tracking Magnus . Jace and Alec saw Magnus this time . He was shackled in chains. Alec saw Magnus was weak . His make up washed away and his hairs were down .There was a thin line of blood oozing from one corner of Magnus' forehead . Alec gasped at the vision . "Magnus!!!!" uttered Alec and the pain of seeing Magnus in such state was evident in his voice. Magnus was looking so tired. He was not in his gorgeous self, which Alec was so used to see.

Alec was broken at the sight. He could not see his warlock in pain . A solitary tear drop escaped his eyes. Alec felt angry . He vowed that he would soon rescue his love  and he would make the life of the one who had done this to Magnus a living hell.

All of a sudden , both Jace and Alec could hear chanting of demonic verses. There was a pentagram drawn on the floor of the house. An old figure ,who was wearing a robe and a hood , chanting demonic verses vigorously. Alec and Jace looked at the face of that Old man .Jace was sure that he had not seen that old man ever in his life .

Then, Jace could hear a certain commotion.


Jace snapped open his eyes and saw Alec was lying on the floor. And Maryse and Izzy were frantically rubbing Alec's hands.

'Alec...Alec....wake up...Sweetie...
Wake up..." said Maryse worried .

Max was sleeping on the couch oblivious to his Dada's condition.

Jace saw Alec was completely drenched in his own sweat and lying fully unconscious.


"You faggot....who loved you? ....I wanted you for the Demonic ritual to become a all powerful shadowhunter . I have heard about that Valentine. He is experimenting with Demon blood and Angel blood to become all powerful . But I have taken the other route to assuage the Satan himself, the powerful God of Hell. He will bestow me with his power and you are just to help me in the ritual." said Joseph demonically to Adams who was lying on the floor clutching his abdomen as Joseph had kicked him hard many times there . Adams tasted blood in his mouth .

Adams looked at Joseph and said " You ditched trapped me into your love...showed me that you loved me...but you betrayed me , you betrayed me. .."

Joseph sat on the floor beside Adams who was lying  curled up on the floor clutching his abdomen .  "Oh ,really were the one who was checking out that warlock Magnus Bane when he came here."

Yes was true ...Adams did see handsome Magnus Bane with admiring eyes. But it was when Adams understood the true self of Joseph . Just within two years of moving in with him in the Branwell Mansion , Adams was encountered by a demon named Joseph. Joseph never loved Adams . He was after Adams for fulfilling a ritual to assuage the Satan . The ritual  included the practisioner to have regular sex with a  gay -a curse . For Joseph, Adams was that gay, just a ritual , a commodity .

All Adams' feelings about Joseph vanished into thin air when Joseph pulled Adams from his bedroom to the room where he practised worship to Satan. He forced Adams to be naked, tore down all his clothes, overlooking his protests , unheeding his pleas and had forceful , violent sex with him, without his consent. All Adams' illusion of love, flowed along with the tears from his eyes.

Adams did not have anywhere to go. He was made captive by Joseph. It was the Branwell  Mansion which became  prison house for Adams. Adams sometimes thought of Maryse. She was the only friend , he could remember in his life , who had told him to go to her if ever he needed her. How protective she was for him , what she saw in Joseph and warned him , his own mother did not warn him of that hidden demon in Joseph. Adams prayed to Universe every day. He knew that the only escape from this hellish life was death . He could not get anything in life which he ever dreamt of.  So he prayed to the Universe to give him everything which he wanted in this life in his next life.

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