Chapter 68: Shulpige ( Surprise) pt 1

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"What are you thinking ???" asked Magnus.

" ...I am not thinking anything..." said Alec trying to avoid eye contact with his warlock.

Alec and Magnus were sitting on their bed with their legs hung down touching the floor. Magnus was feeding oranges to his shadowhunter as Alec was unable to keep his lunch in.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter giving an orange carpel to him and said " Alexander , I can read you like an open don't tell me that you are not thinking anything...what is it ???"

"Nothing ...Magnus....nothing " said Alec again, fiddling with the orange carpel.

Magnus sighed and said " Now...I am no more worthy for you to share your heart.."

Alec looked petrified at his warlock. He held his warlock and kissed his cheeks and said " Never think that will always be worthy...worthiest than anyone in this  world to me...."

"Then why are you not telling me...what you are thinking..." asked Magnus .

"I was just wondering that when you will go to the potion delivery today ...I will miss you a lot..." said Alec.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " that what you were thinking...???"

Alec nodded his head innocently.

"Really... .like that the thing you were thinking so deeply...?" said Magnus again.

Alec nodded his head again .

Magnus could not believe Alec . Magnus was going for just three to four hours.

But Alec yawned tiredly , so Magnus thought of leaving the matter there.

"You sleepy ??" asked Magnus.

"Yah..Rafe makes me tired a lot...I feel so sleepy all the time now-a-days..." said Alec yawning again.

Magnus said " Its okay ...Love...its normal for you to feel tired ...your body is nurturing a new life..."

"Sleep for a few hours....I will leave anyway in half an hour for the potion delivery. Also that way , you will not miss me too" said Magnus smiling.

Alec smiled at his warlock.

Magnus stood up from the bed and lifted Alec's feet on the bed gently. He tucked Alec under the blanket.

Magnus caressed Alec's belly and said " I am taking Max with me. He is so energetic...he will not let you sleep . "

Alec chuckled a little.

Magnus kissed his shadowhunter and Alec gradually drifted off to sleep .

Magnus got ready in the mean time. He went to the nursery and made Max dressed .

"Pappa..Max go out ...." said Max while Magnus was dressing him .

'Yes, Sweetie....we will go to a client...Dadda is sleepy sleepy so he won't be able to play with you Max will go out with Papa " said Magnus while putting Max in his pants .

Max made grabby hands towards Magnus. Magnus smiled and pulled Max on his arms and said " You are an know that right ???"

Max giggled shyly.

Magnus put Max on his baby carrier .

He took the bottle of the potion that needed to be delivered .

He tiptoed into the bedroom . Max was made to put a finger on his own lips not to make sound .

Magnus kissed a sleeping Alec on  his head . Max kissed his Dada on his cheeks and both the father and son sthealthily moved out of the bedroom.

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