Chapter 64 : The Truth Pt 2

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//🙏🙏🙏So sorry for late update...Got caught up in something...Also there will be irregular updates till 4th October. Please bear with me. 🙏🙏🙏 //

"What...what...what was that , you just said ...???" asked Clary shivering .

Jace went near to Clary . He took Luci in his arms quickly.

Clary was shivering and she was hyperventilating and perspiring badly .

Alec looked at Magnus and said " Magnus ,go to Clary are the one who has seen her from her childhood...she needs you today  ..."

Magnus looked questioningly at Alec.

Alec was clutching Max tight to his chest. He said " It's okay Magnus , go to her..I am feeling alright...also my little saviour is with me..."

Magnus  kissed his shadowhunter and Max on their heads.

He went to Clary.

Clary was hyperventilating .

Magnus quickly held  her and immediately applied his magic . He sedated Clary .  Magnus held Clary before she could fall on the floor and Jace quickly came forward . Magnus held on to little Lucifer and Jace lifted Clary up .

"Lay her down in the guest will take some time for her to regain consciousness..." said Magnus.

Jace nodded his head.

Alec held little Ali in the meantime. Ali was petrified looking everything that was unfolding before her eyes .

Alec clutched her and pulled her close to his chest and said "Princess....Mama will be alright ....don't worry..."

Alisa clutched Alec and tried to sooth herself in her uncle's fatherly warmth.

Max  hugged Ali and his Dada together.

Magnus looked at his family and sighed . Though everything was calmed but it was temporary.  Magnus was shivering with the thought of Clary waking up.

Magnus snapped his fingers and two large bottles of blood appeared before Alec on the table. One small for Max, as it was Max's feeding time .

Ali was given some sweets and a bowl of exotic  fruits.

Alec made Max to sit with his bottle. Alec gave the bowl to Ali to finish .

Magnus came near Alec and said in the tone of a strict of husband ...

"Who will finish your bottle...???" asked Magnus .

Alec tried to smile. He took the bottle and  without any fuss started drinking it...because...he knew that his body needed it and moreover Rafe needed it , the most.

Magnus sat beside Alec. He side hugged Alec and said " I love you , you know that right???? And whatever may come in our way ....we will  overcome that together. "

Alec nodded his head .

"Are you feeling alright now...???" asked Magnus to his husband.

"Yes, I don't know what happened then , all of a sudden I felt dizzy...." said Alec .

"Love , it was not just anything were having a panic attack ...." said Magnus.

Alec said " Oh ..I got so nervous thinking about Clary....I could not swear a lie in  name of Max and Rafe..."

"I know ...I know don't have to explain  yourself to me ..." said Magnus kissing Alec on his temple.


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