Chapter 41 : SURPRISE

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Alec came back from the meeting. The seelie court meeting was a success and there was going to be a bridge between the Seelie world and the Shadow world. The seelie queen thanked Alec about his selfless endevours and also apologised for the spy who came as a doppleganger in Alec's house  . The Seelie queen was extremely sad about the incident and apologised again and again to Alec.
Alec was dying to tell everything to Magnus. He could not keep anything from sharing with his husband. He felt so relieved after telling everything good or bad to his warlock.  Magnus was a good listener on whom he could empty his heart and soul. May be this possibly is the definition of a soulmate with whom one can empty his heart and soul without thinking of reactions , who would accept your madness and your stupidity equally instead of trying to make you normal or correcting you all the time.

Alec smiled in his mind. He was lucky to get Magnus by his side.

Alec was walking towards his Lightwood-Bane Mansion through the garden . He was looking at the overgrown grass and thinking of cleaning them with Magnus and Max on the next off day.

Alec looked at his house . There was no lights on. The house was completely dark. Alec's heart lurched at the sight. "Is everything alright ?"

Alec sprinted quickly towards his house. He pulled out a blade from his hidden thigh holster and came near the door of the house. He tried to feel any demon presence or something unusual. But there was none. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

"Magnus ...Magnus...." called Alec .

Alec switched the lights on...but the lights did not lit up.

"Maxie ...Maxie....where are you all...???" asked Alec .

Alec was sure he heard a muffling voice as if someone had gagged someone's mouth.

Sweat started to form on Alec's forehead. He was getting tense . It was not days ago that Magnus was kidnapped. He was still recovering from the trauma.

Alec tried few more switches but lights did not lit up.

Alec used his shadowhunter's vision and looked around the living room.There was no one in sight . But Alec could hear the breathings of many people.

Alec smiled a little. The anxiety was receding back .

"Okay ....I am a shadowhunter...these surprises don't work on me....Izzy , Jace should be knowing ." said Alec.

Soon there was all commotion everywhere and all the lights in the house lit up.

"HAAAAPPPYYYY BIIIRTHHDAYY ALEC!!!!!!"  said Jace , Izzy , Simon, Clary and Magnus coming out of their hidding place. There were other guests too who clapped their hands.

Alec laughed.

"Thank you !!!!" said Alec smiling.

Izzy came with Max in her arms and kissed Alec's cheeks and said " Happy Birthday , Big do you know that we were hiding in the house?"

"It was a certain someone who said " Maxie , don't make sounds your Dada will know about our plan" " said Alec being sassy to Izzy.

Izzy chuckled .

" So, I gave in . Max was about to call you so I said that to him ......" said Izzy.

"Yes, baby sister, I could hear you...." said Alec patting Izzy's head.   

Max giggled from his Aun's arms.

Magnus came and stood by the side of Alec.

Alec gave a quick kiss on Magnus' lips.

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