Chapter 96 : Protect

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//Hey lovelies , I am back. No one can stop me from writing. You all should not stop yourself from doing what you like , because every individual deserves to be happy.  Always keep the fire inside you ignited. If we believe in ourselves the world has to believe in us.//

"Love , are you awake...?" asked Magnus in a whisper.

Alec opened his closed eyes and looked questioningly at his warlock.

"What ??" Said Alec in a whisper.

Magnus said " I have called Catarina tomorrow to our place .."

They were talking in whisper because Max was sleeping right in between them on the bed.

After the Lilith episode that happened in the evening both Magnus and Alec were too possessive to leave their first born all alone in the nursery.

So Magnus and Alec , both decided to sleep with their two year old.

Alec was caressing Max's raven black hair. Max was deep in sleep. He was the cutest thing in the world when he sleeps peacefully.

Magnus was clutching Max's little hands. Though he was trying hard not to show yet he was possessive of Max. He did not want to keep Max away from himself even for a second.

Alec listened to his warlock and asked  " Why ? Why you called Cat..?"

Magnus looked at his husband and said " It's because , um...."

Alec looked more inquisitively at his warlock .

"What , Magnus everything alright ??" asked Alec.

"Actually , Love ..we are approaching the time of Rafe's birth." said Magnus , a litte hesitating.

" ?" asked Alec a little confused.

"Actually , I am scared of you giving birth to Rafe , so I called Catarina to make a full proof plan to give you minimum pain , also not risk your life at all from the process of bringing Rafe to this earth . " said Magnus worried.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " Magnus , I love you too much to leave you , don't worry. You remember Rafe protected me today from Lilith's demonic magic. Our second angel will let nothing bad  happen to me  . He is your blood Magnus and you are the best thing that had ever happened to me. So Rafe is my lucky charm. Just like this little miracle sleeping right here.."

Alec planted a kiss on Max's little round head. He kissed Max's cheeks.

Magnus kissed  Max's little hand that was in his .

"Yes , I am not disagreeing with you  , Love , but I want to do my part. I know Rafe will help you . But I am your husband and I  am worried about you..." said Magnus holding Alec's hands.

Alec kissed Magnus' hands on his and said " I am the luckiest person in this world . I have got a husband who worries for  me ..."

Magnus smiled .

Max went on his side in his sleep and hugged Alec. He snuggled more into his Dada. His little feet went on Alec's bump and  little hands went on Alec's chest.

Alec smiled at Max's cute antics 

Magnus chuckled .

Alec looked at Magnus.

"Have you ever wondered how will we manage when these two are going to fight ..?" asked Magnus gesturing at sleeping Max and at Alec's bump.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " I think they would love each other a lot. They would not fight that much. Angel Ithuriel had said that he was honoured to be the younger brother of venerated Great Demon. He would always be an obidient and loving young brother to Max "

Magnus smiled and said " I hope he looks exactly like you beautiful blue eyed boy..."

Alec said " Actually , he would be blue eyed but ...."

Magnus looked at Alec surprised ..

"But ..??"

Alec smiled at Magnus and said " He would be a Magnus with blue eyes"

Magnus looked at Alec half happy , hald shocked.

Alec grinned ear to ear.

"Really , he would look like me ??" asked Magnus.

Alec nodded his head.

Magnus was too excited to hear this. He was about to squil but Alec held Magnus lips with his fingers...

"Shh....your Highness is sleeping.." said Alec in a whisper.

Magnus nodded his head in understanding and controlled his emotions.

Magnus kissed Max and said " His sleep is very precious to me.."

Alec smiled at his husband.

"But , I am really excited to know that Rafe would look like me with your eyes. I would love to see , how would he look with your beautiful blue eyes..."said Magnus.

Alec chuckled and said " I am also dying to see how would I look with your brown eyes and your nose."

Magnus chuckled this time and said " Even I want to see that ."

Alec yawned tiredly at his warlock.

Magnus said " Alexander, you must go to sleep...Love "

Alec smiled and nodded and said " Yah , I am feeling very sleepy.."

Magnus lifted his body up and pulled the blanket on Alec and Max and kissed both of them on their heads .

"Good night and sleep tight.." said Magnus to his family.

Alec slowly drifted off to sleep.

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter.

He left a message to Catarina .

" He had gone to sleep. "

Since Alec's eighth month started, Magnus had turned into a overprotective husband without showing that to Alec , just not to make him feel uncomfortable.

He gave details of Alec's behaviour at every hour to Catarina on phone . Catarina kept a tab on Alec's condition just to understand if Alec was going into labour with Rafe. Both of them were aware of the fact that Alec was not given the power to endure labour pain by Asmodeus. So they were trying hard to avoid a situation during the time of Max's birth. They did not want to take any risk this time.

Magnus was telling each and every movement of Alec to Catarina. Catarina analysed Alec's bodily condition through those details.

Magnus was decreasing the number of clients he used to take up, gradually. He wanted to stay at home as much as possible near to his shadowhunter.

Magnus was looking at Alec with loving yet thoughtful eyes. He was admiring the sleeping beauty.

He whispered to his shadowhunter " I will not let anything  happen to you or Rafe. No-one dares to harm my family not even Asmodeus' curse. I will protect my family at any cost "

Alec squirmed a little in his sleep.

Magnus smiled in his mind .

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