Chapter 91 :Bollus Pt2

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Alec was taking an afternoon nap while Magnus and Max had gone to visit Maryse. Maryse was having a mild fever. Alec wanted to go too. But since Catarina had prescribed Alec to travel less and avoid portaling, so Magnus insisted Alec to not come ,for the sake of Rafe. Alec had no other choice than to accept Magnus' words. Magnus instead took the decision to visit his mother-in-law and took her bundle of joy Max on tow to cheer the old lady. Alec fell in love with his warlock once again.

Alec thought of resting a little during the time of the afternoon as he was feeling very tired. Rafe was active through out the day making Alec crave for rest. Alec did not know when he fell asleep.

It was a knock on the door which awakened Alec. Alec woke up with a startle . He looked around and tried to figure out where he was .

Alec smiled when he realized that he fell asleep without his knowledge.

There was a knock again on the door.

This time Alec moved his covers.

He tried to sprint towards the door thinking that Magnus was waiting for long ...but with Rafe getting heavier with passing weeks , he immediately understood to take things slow.

He took a deep breath and went to the door. He opened the door with all enthusiasm to see his husband and Max , but he saw ........none.

Alec was surprised to see none.

Alec was hoping to see Magnus and Max but he was very surprised to see no-one standing on the door even after the knocks on the door. He moved a little out and there was really no one.

Alec was very annoyed.

But suddenly , it struck him that the demon Bollus was on loose.

Alec clutched his pregnant belly and quickly pulled out the seraph blade from the pot on the corner table.

He closed his eyes to sense the presence of the demon. But to his surprise he was not feeling the presence of any.

Alec thought that it would be good to get back inside the house. He was thinking of going to the garden to check the area but he saw that with Rafe he should not take the risk . He was not alone anymore. Rafe was his responsibility.

Alec got inside the house and closed the door. He kept the blade where it was away from anybody's sight.

Alec went to the couch and sat on it with his feet on the table. Alec took the water from the counter and finished the whole glass at one go.

Though Alec could not feel the presence of any Demon yet Alec was suspicious as who knocked the door.

His all sense organs got alert.

Rafe kicked inside him a few times.

"Don't worry, Sweetie ....nothing will happen to you , your Dada is here to protect you" said Alec to his unborn son.

Alec took his phone and dialed Magnus' number .

"Yes , Love , is everything alright ??" asked Magnus from the opposite side . Alec could hear Max's sweet voice from the phone too.

Alec smiled on hearing the beautiful voices from his two worlds.

Alec said " Yah....everything is fine...I am all good. It's only your boy is kicking the soul out of me"

Magnus laughed and said " Sorry for that."

Alec chuckled and said " Okay , so how's Mum ?"

Magnus said " Oh, Maryse is all good. I have given a potion for her mild fever but she actually was good after holding our little Max in her arms . Her love for her grandchild recovered her from fever quick. "

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