Chapter 8: The Unseen Danger Pt3

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"DADDDDDAAAA......" came a shrill cry from little Max.

Jace clutched his Parabati rune and looked back at Alec.

"ALLLEEEEECCCCC!!!!!" screamed Jace.

Magnus moved his head with the sudden cries and his eyes widened at the scene near the bar counter.

But no sound escaped from him in a sudden shock and grief.

"Oh...God ...Alec ...." gasped Catarina .

Lorenzo and Andrew stood up from their chairs quickly .

"Oh ....God...Sir is being stabbed ..." exclaimed Andrew panicking.

" Calm down ,I must use my magic....." said Lorenzo almost in a whisper but enough to be heard by Andrew.

Andrew looked at Lorenzo in anticipation of what his boyfriend was going to do.

Magnus saw Alec was hunching in front clutching his abdomen . Blood was trickling down the blade and soaking the carpet into red.

A hooded figure was in front of him clutching the blade in his/her tight grip . The figure pushed the blade a little further making Alec to scream in agony.


"Alllexannder.........." escaped a painful cry from  Magnus' throat.

Lorenzo watching the awful sight thought of acting quickly . He propped his magic and closed all the doors and the windows of the house so that the criminal cannot escape .

Composing himself from the intial shock Magnus sprinted towards Alec.

Alec felt weak in his legs and knelt on the floor . The figure still not leaving the blade and knelt along with Alec on the floor still pushing the blade into Alec with all his/her might.

Magnus quickly applied his magic to pull the figure away from Alec but his magic was not acting on the figure.

Magnus was shocked .

Observing this , Lorenzo with his magic tried to pull the figure away from Alec yet his magic was not working on the figure . Now they  both were shocked.

"Why are  *gasp* you doing *gasp* this .....?" asked Alec .

Alec was looking straight into the eyes of the hooded figure in front of him . The familiar pair of eyes that were like snake waiting for her prey. The familiar  Asian figure  ----Shinyun Jung , Magnus' one and only adoptive sister ,knealing in front of him.

"You are asking me this..... Lightwood. If you had taken my offer of making a night stand with me , you did not have to go through this trouble.....if you could not be mine I will not let you to be Magnus' either." hissed Shinyun.

Though Alec was feeling dizzy because of the blood loss yet he saw  Jace and Izzy who were about to attack on Shinyun from her back.

Alec thought it to be the right time , he clutched Shinyun's throat with all his might , strangling her. ....

Shinyun choked and gasped for air..

Jace tried to slash Shinyun's back with his blade but it did not have any affect on her body . Jace looked shocked . Izzy too tried to use her whip to pull Shinyun away from Alec but soon they understood no weapon or warlock magic was working on Shinyun .

But Alec's strangling hold on Shinyun's neck was choking she still has a body of warlock.

But Alec was at the cusp of losing consciousness , his hold on Shinyun's neck was becoming weak.

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