Chapter 48: Why Look at Me ??

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Alec moved through the corridors of the Clave office . Alec did not understand , why the people in the corridor were looking so surprised at him . He looked at his suit to see if there was something objectionable on it . But there was nothing. It was emaculate and crisp . His warlock had chosen it for him , it had to be fine. Alec smiled a little in his mind when he thought of Magnus.The pleasure of last night was still playing in his mind.

Yet the people were looking at him.

Alec was too confused . He thought that there must be something wrong with his face.

He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his face. If there was something it had to go.

Still the people were looking at him in a little surprise as if they had not seen him before.

The subordinates were wishing a Good Morning with a smile and were looking at him in awe.

Alec was looking for a familiar face to ask what it was exactly.

But Alec could not find his personal secretary Andrew . Also He could not see Jace either to ask.

Alec quickly came into his office. He quickly kept all his belongings on the table  and went straight to the washroom to see what was wrong with him . Alec entered the washroom . He looked into the mirror and found nothing objectionable on his face. His face was the same which  he was looking at from the past few years after he became immortal. He has not aged since Twenty-five.Apart from that there was nothing  out of line on his face .

Alec checked for any hickey on his body which might trigger people's interest ...which might be making a scandal with his staff.

But there was no hickey. His warlock was too gentle last night. 

Alec smiled a little at the thought of his warlock.

Though Alec did not find anything serious on his face yet he washed his face with plain water and wiped with a towel.

Alec was utterly confused  .

He came out of the washroom . He thought of forgetting what had just happened and concentrated on the pile of files on his table.

It was almost two hours that he was busy with Clave files when he heard a knock on his office door.

He looked up and saw Andrew was seeking permission to enter.

Alec smiled and said " Come in..."

Andrew smiled a little and entered Alec's office . He came in and stood in front of Alec with a file in his hands.

Andrew looked at Alec and his jaws dropped. He was looking at Alec with awe in his eyes. 

Alec observed that and asked " What...what is it...?? Is there something on my face ...???"

Andrew came out of the reverie and said " No...No...Sir...nothing ...nothing on your face...".

"Then , have I grown two horns on my head  overnight that you are looking at me with your jaws on floor????" asked Alec in amazement.

Andrew composed himself and said " No ..Sir ..horn...nothing...I have come ...I need your signature on this design for our new road project..."

Andrew moved towards Alec's table and kept the file in front of Alec .

"Okay..." said Alec.

He opened the file and examined the design of the road project once and signed it ...

Andrew said " Thank you , Sir....and scurried out of Alec's office."

Alec said " Now, this is getting really uncomfortable ...why are they looking at me like there's something different in me....but I checked ...everything is  all good..."

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