Chapter 74: Love wins??

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*knock* ....*knock*

"Do you have anyone to visit us today ??" asked Alec stiring the soup with the wooden ladle.

"No...I did not invite any one..." said Magnus.

"Today is my day off. I do not have any clients ." said Magnus to his shadowhunter while heading towards the door.

Alec switched the gas off and waddled behind his warlock to see who was on the door.

Magnus went and opened the door.

He  saw a dishevelled Jace was standing  with Lucifer in a baby carrier hanging in front of him .

Magnus looked a little confused and asked " What happened , why are you looking so scary ??"

Jace sighed and said " You are lucky that you don't have a wife will not understand our plight. "

Magnus looked at Jace asking for more explanation .

"Well , Clary , Izzy , Ali and Maryse went to the supermarket for a shopping spree and so it was my turn to take care of Lucifer all alone.  " said Jace explaining.

Magnus listened to his brother-in-law and said " It's not a problem with your's a problem with you who thinks that taking care of baby Lucifer was Clary's duty and not yours. You are his father so you should be equally taking care of him , not thinking that Clary should always be present to take care of him. "

Jace looked at Magnus for some time.

Jace sighed and nodded his head and said " Yes , you are right. I should be responsible enough to take care of him not thinking that it was only Clary's duty."

Alec came waddling behind the brothers-in-law and asked amuzingly " What are you two planning ??"

Both of them looked at Alec and smiled a little .

Magnus gestured Jace to come in.

Jace said " No ...I have Lucifer ....I will not go inside. I have actually come here for giving Alec some papers to sign . "

Jace showed his hands that were carrying a bunch of files .

"You can come in ...Baby Lucifer is sleeping anyway..." said Magnus pointing at Luci who was drooling on Jace's shirt in his deep sleep.

Alec smiled a little .

Jace said " Will that be safe..??"

Magnus said " We will be careful ...moreover he is sleeping  so Asmodeus would not take over his consciousness now..."

Jace nodded a little and entered the mansion.

Jace went and sat on the couch and kept the pile of files on the centre-table. He gestured at Alec to sign the papers.

Alec nodded his head. He waddled near  the couch and sat beside Jace. He opened the first file. Magnus snapped his fingers and Alec's  pen appeared in front of him. Alec looked at Magnus and smiled lovingly at his warlock.

Alec opened the pen and  started going through the papers for signing them.

Alec was busy with the papers and Jace and Magnus were engrossed in talking about Lucifer. Jace was telling Magnus about the different feelings which he got while being around his son.

After some time , there was a gurgling sound .  Jace pulled Lucifer from his shoulder and saw that little Lucifer was rubbing his little eyes with his little plum hands. Jace smiled a little and said " Oh ...the little master had woken up."

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