Chapter5 :Sneaking Magnus Pt3

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Alec's and Max's eyes widened with the voice behind them . It was familiar to both of them . And it was the last person they wanted to know about their spying .

Alec turned towards the man with Max.

Max put his two little chubby hands on his eyes . He was afraid to face his Papa as it was Magnus who was standing in front of them .

" ....." stuttered Alec.

Magnus raised his brows.

"Yes ....Alexander....its me....May I know what the two of you doing here...?" asked Magnus with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Magnus ....before you think something else ...Both of us love you too much to let you get into any trouble...." said Alec quickly.

Max nodded with his chubby hands still covering his eyes.

"Its that ....I got really worried when you were sneaking out every evening and not giving me a straight answer, I understood that you have engrossed yourself in some secret business ." said Alec.

Alec came closer to Magnus .

He held Magnus'  hand ....

" Magnus , I was so worried that I could not resist myself to see that you are not in any trouble....Magnus please forgive us...Mmmmmmmm" Alec's words drowned under Magnus'  lips .

Magnus broke out of the quick kiss .

"Its okay ...I know you two love me and probably I would have done the same thing if I were in your place. " said Magnus smiling.

Max was peeking out from the gaps in between  his little plum fingers as his hands were on his eyes.

Magnus bent and moved the hands away from Max's eyes.

"Pappa..shholly....." said Max.

Magnus kissed Max's little chubby cheeks and said " You don't have to be sorry ,Sweetie...what you did was because you two love me and I cannot be angry on you for loving me so much...Can I ? "

Max blushed and  giggled.

Magnus chuckled on the little one's antics.

"Now as both of you are , here . I think its the time for which I was waiting...Yah it will be a day early but doesn't matter , the excitement will be all the same." said Magnus.

"Magnus, what are you talking about ? " asked Alec.

"You will soon know." said Magnus snapping his fingers.

Alec's and Max's eyes got covered in a black cloth.

"What are you doing , Magnus..." said Alec scrambling his hands in the air.

Magnus held a blindfolded Alec's hands .

"Don't try to remove the cover , there is a surprise waiting for you two..." said Magnus to Alec.

"Surprise......." said Alec.

"Shulpige...." said Max clapping his hands.

Magnus chuckled at Max's excitement.

"Yes, loves ...just follow my lead" said Magnus.

Magnus carefully took Alec , guiding him on the road ahead.

Alec could not see anything.

"Careful, Love there is a flight of seven stairs in front of you...." said Magnus.

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