Chapter 60 : Magic Manifested Pt3

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Magnus overcame the intial shock . His brain started to register that his fear was averted and his Alexander was healthy and hearty.  Magnus came running to the stairs . Izzy and Maryse moved away from Alec to give space to Magnus.

Magnus checked Alec top to bottom.
"Are you alright ???" asked Magnus , a little over whisper.

Alec looked at Magnus and nodded.

Magnus placed a hand on Alec's bump and said " Is he alright..??"

Alec blinked reassuringly and smiled at his warlock.

Magnus hugged Alec tightly and said " Oh God....I must say thank the Angel... He saved you and our Rafe..."

Izzy and Maryse smiled a little.

Alec hugged Magnus and tried to soothe his nerves.

"Izzy , take Alec to the bedroom and make him lay straight on his will help him to calm his nerves and also will help the baby to cope up with the sudden jerk. " instructed Maryse coming into her Mama bear mode.

Izzy nodded her head. She went and supported Alec on her shoulders and took him to the bedroom .

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter.

"Jace , take care of Lucifer , and Robert take care of the other kids..." said Maryse to her adoptive son and husband.

Robert went outside to bring the two kids-Ali and Max.

Jace took Luci from Clary's hands.

"Clary and Simon , you both help me in arranging the dinner." said Maryse .

Simon and Clary went to the kitchen.

"Magnus , go take care of Alec , probably he needs you the most now..." said Maryse.

Magnus smiled a little.

Maryse went to the kitchen herself to look after the serving.

Magnus was standing alone on the stairs.

He looked on the step where Alec slipped. He saw that the step had oil . Magnus became doubtful . He looked further to find the source of the oil. He saw one of oil lamp fell on the balustrade and the oil spilt from it.  Doubt was creeping in Magnus further. The lamps were fixed in its place by wax. Without external  force they could not fall.  Magnus was now confirmed that it was not an accident. What happened to his pregnant Alexander just now was a subotage. He moved a little further to the lamp. He placed a hand on the lamp and with his magic he started looking into the last memory signature of the object.

Magnus saw that a small hand was shoving the oil lamp . Magnus concentrated more. He found that he was right in his doubt . It was the hand of little Lucifer who shoved the oil lamp.

Jace was looking at Magnus . He too doubted that what happened with his parabati today could be related to his son Lucifer , aka Asmodeus.

Jace came near to Magnus on the stair .

Magnus looked at Jace .

Jace was carrying little Lucifer in his arms.

"Have you found out anything ?" asked Jace in whisper.

Magnus looked at Jace . He said " Look at Lucifer's hands and tell me if they had oil ??"

Jace was confused.

"Do as I say , Jace , if you love you parabati ..." said Magnus.

Jace sighed . He pulled little Luci's hands and was shocked to see his hands were covered in oil.

Jace looked at Magnus with wide eyes and said  " Magnus , it has oil..."

Magnus closed his eyes. He opened them and said " Jace , Alec slipped because of oil on the step ...see  its still there. The oil came from the oil lamp on the balustrade which were shoved by Luci or I must say Asmodeus. I checked the last memory signature of the oil lamp.

Jace looked at  Magnus and said " I was the doubting the same. Asmodeus does not want Angel Ithuriel to manifest and so he is doing all these. This is getting serious ....I am leaving with Clary and Luci....let Ali stay here...I will come later to take her..."

"  , Clary will doubt if you leave after the incident that happened with stay ...I will not let Alec to come downstairs . I am sending his food in his room . He needed rest anyways." said Magnus with prudence .

Jace looked at Magnus and said " Are you sure...?"

"Yes...don't leave the gathering ...Alec will not want  that either ." Said Magnus.

Jace nodded his head. He looked at his arms ,little Lucifer was sleeping peacefully.

Jace was sad . He pulled Lucifer to his chest and kissed him and said " Luci , you have to overcome this...Alec and Max love you a lot...realise that Luci...realise that. "

Magnus looked at Jace with  sadness too. He patted Jace's shoulders and said " Everything will be alright. Let him grow his own consciousness and he will understand that he is loved . Alec and Max both love him ."

Jace nodded his head at Magnus and said" Thank you , Magnus. "

Magnus smiled at Jace.

Soon the dinner was over . Alec was not allowed to come downstairs by Magnus and Maryse . Izzy was placed on guard at Alec's room. Both of their dinners were sent to the bedroom. Magnus hosted the gathering alone. The members had the dinner , though there was a little serious atmosphere because everybody was scared of the ancipation that what could have happened if Rafe did not show his magic on time. 

After the dinner , Maryse and Robert said good bye to Magnus . She said , she would come soon to see Alec .

Magnus responded with a smile.

Izzy and Simon left afterward.

Jace told Clary that he wanted to stay a little more with Alec . He sent Clary to home. Ali and Max kept on playing.

Jace and Magnus went upstairs into the bedroom .

Alec was half sitting on the bed with his head on  headstand. There was a single tear drop on Alec's cheeks.

Magnus went near Alec and wiped Alec's tear drop from his cheeks. Alec opened his eyes .

Jace stood at the foot of the bed.

"It was not your fault..Alexander was Asmodeus..." said Magnus.

Alec was surprised.

"How..???" asked Alec .

Jace and Magnus narrated the whole story of their investigation of the stair and Magnus' memory signature.

Alec went wide eyed  said  " I can't believe this...."

Jace said " Its true ...Alec .... We should be extra careful in this matter. Things are getting serious between you and Lucifer."


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