Chapter 29 : Magnus !!!! Pt 5

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//This might be a little confusing . I tried my best to simplify the story. If you did not understand in the first go , try reading twice , you will understand//

"Adams Scot Trueblood. You will not find anything about him in the databases  you have. Because during his time, his very existence was considered to be a curse " started Maryse .

Max was sitting royally on Maryse's lap. He was silent and was not making much movements or getting naughty like he mostly did. He was tense and worried for his Papa.

Maryse was occassionally caressing Max's head and back and Max was basking in his Gamma's warm love.

"Cursed...???" questioned Izzy.

"Yes...cursed. I was sixteen then , he was of my age. Scot came to our house , the Trueblood Mansion with his Mum. His Mum was a close friend of my father and  somehow , his mum was helped a lot by my father during some time of distress. So his mother named Scot , her first born after my father  as Adams Scot Trueblood.  When they came to our house, they seemed to be very stressed .I did not know the reason at first . Adams was very handsome. Even for his age, he had a nice masculine built . He was tall and really good looking . Any sweet sixteen girl would have a crush on him . So did I.  I wanted to befriend Scot, stay close to him . But for some reason he was too shy around me. When I sat beside him just to chat a little he would make errands and go away . This happened for some days. I was too proud a girl in my sixteen . So I did not like his behaviour towards me. I just wanted to befriend him . There was nothing wrong in that . Then why would he walk out like I have asked her to spend a night with me? But gradually I saw that he was too shy around all girls of my age. So I thought of asking him .  

One day , when he was sitting in the lawn with a book on his nose , I went to him and sat beside him . He peeked through the book towards me and saw me but did not make any response. He gathered up his belongings and was about to leave when I said , " What is your problem ? I just wanted to befriend you  , talk to you. You are living in my house . Can't I talk to you ? " 

My words must have had some action on him . He sat back beside me. But did not say a word yet.

I said again " See, I like you a lot. You can say , I have a crush on you you have any problem with that ?"

"Mum , you were too bold." remarked Izzy .

" I was , where do you think , you have got your bad ass from ??" asked Maryse to Izzy.

Jace and Alec chuckled a little and concentrated on the story of Adams Trueblood.

Maryse: " Adams  kept the book aside and looked at me. He said , " You have a crush on me ...??"  " Yes , I have a crush on you. You are really lucky because Maryse Trueblood doesn't get crushes on any random guy must be really special to be my crush . "

Scot smiled a little and said " Well , first of all , thank you for liking me . Because nobody likes me for a reason. If I tell that reason to you , probably you will also stop liking me instantly.  But still I will be happy to know that somebody liked me had a crush on me ..."

I looked at his green eyes deeply . Then I asked , "You are so handsome and good looking , you must be the heart throb of many teenage girls , why do you say that nobody likes you...??"

Scot smiled and said " That is the thing . Many girls liked me . And I don't want girls to like me  . "

"What do you mean....?" I asked again .

"Its that I fight in your team ...I am a gay ...I like boys . The Clave calls us abomination and so did my Dad, few days back.

I like a guy in my neighbourhood. He belongs to a big family . His name is Joseph Branwell. You must be knowing about the Branwell family . He is the present heir to that family .Josephwas the first to make a move towards me. You know it is so difficult for us to come out. Because , the moment we say our sexual orientations we would be banned by our own people  , from our own world.  But Joseph was different . He gave me respect and assured me of taking me with him if my parents  disowned me for my sexual orientation.  Joseph truely loves me, you know. He said that he had an old family mansion at the outskirt of the city of Alicante  , far away from the main city and more in the woods. Very few people traversed the place . He told me his family had left enough for him to live lavishly . We could go to his mansion and start a new life of our own . We could use the fallow lands and start cultivating and have our own farm . So there would not be derth of wealth for both of us  . " finished Scot.

I listened to him deeply .  Then I said " What about your Dad  saying you an abomination...?"

"Yes, few days back , Dad came to know that I was dating someone. You know how conservative our families are . Dad had already planned my wedding with a girl of the Lightwood family. After I would turn eighteen , he would make me to marry with that girl, whom I don't even know. So when he found that I was dating someone , he was furious. Later he got to know that I am dating Joseph who happened to be an openly gay person . My dad slapped me and hit me hard with an Alpine walking stick . He called me an abomination . When my mother tried to protest and save me  , he even slapped my Mum right in front of my eyes . That was the last straw. I could see anything but not someone beating my Mum , not even my Dad. I just controlled myself not to slap my Dad . I took Mum from where she had fallen and left our home or to be specific Dad's mansion.

Mum remembered Uncle Adam , her childhood friend  and your father and so we came to stay at your place till we could make something for us. " finished Scot.

I listened to each and every word of Adams. I got so engrossed in his story that I started feeling pity for that poor boy. It was not his fault that his heart longed for a man.  Suddenly , I did not know what happened to me , I caressed his temple and kissed his forehead thinking  , the gesture might comfort the poor boy. 

Adams looked at me and smiled.

Then I asked , " What about Joseph , does he know that you are here ?"

Adams said " Yes , sometimes he comes over here behind your mansion to meet me. Mum said , we should not meet in public."

I nodded my head in understanding  .

"Don't you hate me now?" asked Scot to me innocently , like a child  . I said " No , I understand your position . It's only we are brought up to believe that love has a gender. That love should happen between a male and a female . I personally have no problem in thinking that a man loves another man.

Adams looked at me with so much love and innocence that I could not help but melt . He said " How I wanted my mother to say that for me...?"

I looked at him confused .

" My mum feels that what I have for Joseph is not natural. Though she fought for me yet she did not accept my love for Joseph from the bottom of her heart . I just wanted my mum to think like you ...." said Scot looking at me  .

I smiled a little.

"If you want we can be friends, you can share your problems with me.., I promise , I would be a good listener. "

Adams smiled a little looking at me. That look had so much innocence that I still remember it. "
said Maryse with dewy and dreamy  eyes.

//to be continued........//

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