Chapter57 : Realization

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It was a busy day for Alec. His schedule was extremely busy. There were three meetings at a stretch and after that there was a sight seeing of a road project .

Alec was feeling tired since the morning. He took a good night's sleep yet he was not feeling rejuvenated. Alec ignored his tiredness and being workaholic , emersed himself in work.

At the end of the third meeting , Alec was too much exhausted.

Jace was observing Alec thoroughly in the last meeting , the reason being , he was feeling his parabati rune throbbing constantly .

At the end of the meeting , Jace waited  for the room to get vacated so that he could be alone with his Parabati.

Jace got the opportunity.

Jace came near Alec and said " Buddy , you are not going today for the sight seeing. You are utterly exhausted . I can feel you.

"No , Jace , the sight-seeing is very important. I must go." said Alec.

"Alec , if you did not listen to me ...I will tie you here with the chair....I am telling you...and onus will be on you ..." said Jace .

Alec looked at Jace..." But...but...."

"No buts , you are really tired I can feel you ....get back to home ...I am going to the sight seeing on your behalf. I will tell them that you were not feeling good. " said Jace.

Alec still hesitated.

"Oh for Angel's sake , think of Rafe...." said Jace in a voice of giving ultimatum to Alec.

Alec shook his head and said ...

"You will not listen to me , don't you..???" asked Alec.

Jace nodded his head in a no.

Alec sighed and said " Okay win..I am going to in the sightseeing , you will  tally the budget first , then will see if the plan is executed properly..."

Alec kept on speaking.

In the meantime , Jace made a portal for Alec and held Alec's wrist . Alec kept on instructing Jace and Jace started putting Alec's belongings in his hands and shoved him gently into the portal. The portal engulfed Alec and his words echoed through the office.

Jace sighed and said " Stubborn Lightwood!!"

Alec was portaled in front of his house.

He opened the door and entered the house. His body was not cooperating with him .

"Magnus..???" asked Alec .

'Coming.....I am changing Max ...." shouted Magnus from the nursery.

"Its okay....take your time...' said Alec.

An unknown uneasiness ungulfed him ....

Alec held the counter and sat on the couch .

He felt dizzy and kept his head on the back of the couch.

Without his knowledge he lost his consciousness.

Magnus came to the living room and without looking at Alec asked

" Will you have some coffee...or I would rather prefer you to have some fresh juice..." said Magnus.

There was no response from his shadowhunter.

Magnus looked at Alec . Alec's eyes were closed and he was leaning on the couch with his head on the back of the couch .

Magnus felt a little doubtful.

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