Chapter3: Sneaking Magnus

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//Guys...can anybody help Wattpad app is not opening on my phone from today morning...I could not understand what went wrong ...I uninstalled it and installled it again...still its not running on the phone ..."Wattpad Unfortunately Stopped" this message is displaying again and again...I would be grateful, if anyone can tell me what to do//


"Where are you going Magnus ??" asked Alec to Magnus who was used to go somewhere everyday for the last one week....

At first Alec did not mind it so  much but now the regular recurrence of Magnus' sneaking out was erupting many questions and doubts in his mind.

To add on to Alec's worry, Magnus did not give a straight answer to Alec's questions about his almost regular disappearences.

At last Alec who was naturally patient, calm and composed could not contain his patience anymore.

He decided to ask his warlock directly and so the question....

"Where are you going Magnus?"

" in particular. I am just going out to have some fresh air. ...." said Magnus.

Alec raised his brows .

"You were regularly going out at this time to somewhere...tell me Magnus ...where are you going ?" requested Alec.

"Its nothing special Alexander, I am just going to have some fresh air..." said Magnus.

"Then me and Max are coming with you too ...." said Alec.

"Noooo....I mean...I have just returned from the Clave, you should take rest Alexander, this way you will overstress yourself. It will not take me much , I will have a little stroll on the park which is at the corner of the alley and come back. ....and you don't have to cook today, I will  conjure up Italian when I will come back...okay ..." said Magnus caressing Alec's cheeks.

He cupped his shadowhunter's face and gave a loving kiss on his cheeks and then sprinted towards the door.

Alec looked at his warlock's back thoughtfully .

Max was toddling around the whole living room with his new toy car , a gift from Uncle Simon.

Alec slumped on the couch and went into deep thoughts. Curiosity never dies down .

Alec sprinted to the bed room and came out within seconds in his shirt and trousers . He pulled the baby carrier on his shoulders.

"Come Sweetie...we are going to the park for a stroll...." said Alec to his baby.

"Ppallk..." uttered Max.

"Yes ...Sweetie..." said Alec.

Max's baby brown eyes looked  confused  at his Dada.

Alec looked at those puppy eyes.

" Okay...we are going to the Park to keep an eye on your Papa...he is sneaking out somewhere regularly and I need to see he is not in any kind of danger." said Alec to Max.

"Ppalkk" said Max and made grabby hands towards Alec.

"Yah...that's like  Dada's boy .." said Alec .

He swept Max up from the floor and placed him carefully onto the baby carrier and pulled him on his front ,over his shoulder. He planted a kiss on his toddler's head  and headed quickly out of the apartment grabbing his stele and phone.

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