Chapter34 : Magnus!!!! Pt 10

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An arrow hit the wrist of Joseph Branwell and he went flying on the opposite wall. He crashed into the wall and fell on the floor. 

"Pappppaaaaaaa!!!!!!" screamed little Max and flew to Magnus , only to hug him . His little hands spread on Magnus' chest and little wings covering Magnus.

Magnus relaxed on the familiar scent of his boy . He kissed his baby's head and said " Sweetheart, I was waiting for you and Dada..."

"HOW DARE YOU CAUSE PAIN TO MAGNUS.....!!!!" shouted Alec in his thunderous voice .

Alec shot another arrow which went straight into Joseph's other wrist. He screeched in pain and winced on the floor getting unconscious temporarily.

Alec came running to Magnus .

"Oh ...Magnus , I was so sacred ...." then he used his seraph blade and cut Magnus' shackles at one go.

"I know , you will come , Love...I was just waiting for you ..." said Magnus looking lovingly at Alec while Alec was cutting Magnus' shackles.

Magnus' hands were freed . Alec crashed his lips on Magnus and hugged him tight.

"Oh ...I thought...I was terrified....I love you Magnus...I love you...I can't lose you again , Magnus...I got you after so much pain and struggle , I can't lose you again..." said  Alec in Magnus' embrace .

Magnus kissed Alec's shoulder and got a little confused with Alec's words. He could not understand why his husband was saying that he could not lose him again.....

Before Magnus could ask anything further to his shadowhunter, Magnus saw a jolt of magic was coming towards Alec .

"LOVE ....WATCH OUT...!!!!" screamed Magnus.

Alec turned quickly but before the jolt of magic could hit Alec , little Max reflected back the magical jolt  with his tremendous gifted power  towards Joseph , Joseph screeched at the magic and fell on the floor , panting heavily trying to get his breath back . Max saved his Dadda and Pappa.

Both Magnus and Alec sighed in relief .  "I don't have my magic. That old man was giving me a potion which had suppressed my magic. " said Magnus in Alec's ears wrapping his arms around Alec's neck. Alec looked at Magnus and said " Yes , this old Man ...I have to balance many equations with this bloody Joseph. Yours and mine both."

"You know him???" asked Magnus a little surprised and confused at Alec's words.

"Yes , dear...from quite a long time..." said Alec taking a handkerchief and wiping the blood from Magnus' temple. Magnus closed his eyes at his shadowhunter's touch .

"Max, Sweetie....please heal your Papa with your magic ..." said Alec to his baby boy.

Max glowed with his tremendous magic and flew straight to his Papa's arms to heal him .

Magnus wrapped his hand around his baby boy and Max started healing Magnus with his gifted Magic.

Alec stood up keeping Magnus in Max's safe custody. He went towards Joseph while covering his hands with false iron knuckles. Joseph was gaining his breath back . Without wasting any word, Alec gave a blow to Joseph's face.

"Ahhh...!!!" screamed Joseph in pain.

"That was for kidnapping Magnus." said Alec.

He then gave a blow to Joseph's shoulder. There was a crack sound probably of dislocating the shoulder blade.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" screamed Joseph again. 

"That was for slapping Magnus and hitting his head..." said Alec.

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