Chapter 26 : Magnus!!!! pt2

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"What happened Alec ....?" asked Jace in a whisper.

Alec quickly wiped his eyes . But his gesture was observed by a vigilant Jace. Jace sighed a little. He could feel through his Parabati bond, how Alec was feeling .

Jace saw Max was sleeping on Alec's shoulder. Alec had put his jacket on top of little Max to keep him warm . 

Jace pulled a small blanket from a paper bag which he was carrying and gave it to Alec.

Alec looked at Jace a little confused.

Clary gave this for Max. She told that you might need this for him.

Alec took the blanket with a smile and told Jace " Tell Clary a thank you from me , I really needed a blanket for Max . In my hurry I forgot to take one and it's getting cold outside."

Jace tried to smile and said " I will".

Alec wrapped a sleeping Max in the blanket and put him on his lap so that Max could sleep comfortably for some time...

Alec pulled his jacket back on his shoulders . Though he was feeling cold but his selfless and never ending love for Max was keeping him warm.

Jace sat beside Alec on the sofa in Magnus' workplace .Jace looked questioningly at Alec.

" Yah......Magnus last texted me yesterday evening. He wrote that he was going to meet some influential client. He did not tell me that he was going to be late. But when it was already nine 'o ' clock , I got really worried for him . I called him on his phone many times but he did not pick up. Then Max said that he was not feeling his Papa which he usually does. That was the last straw . I took Max and immediately came here. But here I saw all Magnus' belongings were open as if he was in the middle of something and had to go, leaving everything for some reason . I called him again only to find  his phone here on the table. Then I told Max to track his Papa with his magic . He showed me a place which I saw somewhere but could not relate exactly where. I was frustrated . Then , your smart nephew told me to call his Unci Ja. But   , in the mean time you called me instead." finished Alec in a whisper not to disturb Little Max's sleep.

Jace caressed Max's head on Alec's lap and said " He must be worried and sad."

"Max was crying for Magnus..." said Alec wiping a stray tear from his cheeks.

"So was his Dada..." said Jace looking at Alec.

Jace patted Alec's shoulders and said " We will find him...don't worry. He is the High Warlock himself. Danger will think twice before touching him."

Alec chuckled a little amidst wiping his eyes.

" You are praising Magnus...???" asked Alec .

Jace smiled a little .

" Magnus and I share a special relationship , you would not understand." said Jace ruffling Alec's hairs.

Alec chuckled more.

"Here , give Maxie to me relax a little in the meantime . Clary has given few sandwiches thinking rightly that you have not had your dinner. Take them ....then we will track Magnus through our Parabati bond." said Jace.

Alec was so worried about Magnus that he could not finish even a single sandwich . He told Jace " Please ...lets track Magnus first. I would not be able to eat or drink till I see Magnus all good in front of me."

Jace looked at Alec and said " At least drink the juice  , I don't want you to faint in the middle of finding your husband . "

Alec did not argue . Rather took the juice bottle and started pouring the content  down his throat. He finished the bottle and threw that in the bin near by.

Max squirmed a little in Jace's arms. Jace rocked Max gently . Max snuggled into Jace more and went into deep sleep again. A tear drop escaped out from little Max's closed sleepy eyes. Jace looked at it and wiped it gently from his nephew's eyes.

Jace looked at Alec and said " Come on , Alec , let's find out Magnus...I think he is needed a lot here." said Jace looking at his sleeping Max.

Alec took the cushions of the sofa and made a temporary bed for Max . Jace kept Max gently over the cushions and planted a kiss on his head .

Jace was about to go to Alec when he felt a tug in his shirt . He turned and saw little Max was holding his shirt tight. Jace smiled a little . He bent and  kissed Max's little fist and softly pulled his shirt out of Max's tight baby grip.

Jace went to Alec. Alec took Magnus' pen which was lying on Magnus' writing pad . Both Jace and Alec held it together and started to track Magnus.

Soon Jace could see an abundoned mansion. The mansion was more than hundred year old. It was in a dilapidated state.  There was a graveyard near the building . Jace could see a man in the graveyard . The man was sitting beside a grave.  The stone read  " Adams Scot Trueblood"
Jace's brows frowned at these unknown place . He had never gone there . Jace's eyes snapped open. 

Jace saw Alec in front of him . Alec was panting badly . He was breathing so heavily as if someone had just tried to strangle him .

Jace supported Alec and made him sit on the nearby chair. Jace was confused about Alec's state.

"What happened, buddy ...?" asked Jace to Alec.

"You saw that place..." asked Alec to Jace trying to suppress a panick.

"Yes, you are talking of that old abandoned mansion right?" asked Jace confused .

"Yes, that place...." said Alec.

"Yah ....I have never seen that place , that place was completely unknown to me..." said Jace.

Alec looked at Jace surprised.

"Didn't you feel the same way I felt ?"asked Alec to Jace.

"How did you feel...???" asked Jace rubbing Alec's back to comfort him and make his breathing even.

"I felt that , I knew that place. But I could not remember how I knew it. I felt that the place is very familiar to me but I could not remember the way to reach there. I also felt scared of that familiar place . Like there were many bad memories associated with that place which I could not remember. I    felt as if someone was strangling me , then I snapped open my eyes" said Alec.

Jace frowned his brows in confusion about Alec's words.

"Alec , you are too worried and scared for Magnus . No wonder you love him so much , its quiet natural. Let me find out this place would be really difficult to find it out as we don't have any clue about the place ....except that its just a random mansion" said Jace.

" Jace , try to find out who was Adams Scot Trueblood ....." said Alec.

Jace looked at Alec and nodded.

//to be continued ......//

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