Chapter 25 : Magnus!!!!!

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//This is a suggestion from one of the lovely readersng_xy20. Hope you all will enjoy.//

It was already nine o clock on the big wall clock in the living room. Alec looked at the clock once peeking out from the kitchen. His heart lurched a little. Still he tried to concentrate on making the dinner. Max did not sleep yet . He was lying on the makeshift bed which Alec brought in the kitchen to keep an eye on his boy . Max was having his dinner which happened to be fresh goat blood in a sucking bottle .

Alec looked at Max once . Magnus did not return yet . Alec was calling his warlock since an hour but he was not picking up the phone. Alec thought to himself that even before this, there were times when Magnus came late and did not pick up the phone as he was too busy with his influential clients. Alec thought that he would scold his warlock badly this time for making him so worried. In fact Alec
was feeling angry on his loving warlock.

"Dadda...??" asked Max. Probably he felt his Dada's anxiety as he was bonded with Alec.

" Yes want something, Sweetheart?" asked Alec lovingly to his bundle of joy.

"Pappa....???" asked Max .

" You want Papa ...are you feeling something about Papa...??" asked Alec.

Max nodded his head.

Alec gasped ...and asked " What...Sweetie , tell me ...what about Papa..."

"No feel Papa..." said Max.

" No feel Papa ??" repeated Alec.

" You used to feel Papa ?" asked Alec .

Max nodded his head vigorously.

" Now , you can't feel him?" asked Alec .

Max nodded again.

" the Angel ...Magnus...Oh God...just keep him safe ....keep him alright..." prayed Alec to himself.

Alec pulled Max on his arms and said " Sorry Sweetie , we need to go ...if you felt sleepy , sleep on Dada's shoulders ..okay ....I can't leave you alone in the are too small for that...."

Max nodded understandingly put his head on Alec's shoulder.

Alec smiled a little at his angel boy and said " Oh are an Angel..SweetHeart..." and he planted a kiss on Max's little round head. Max smiled a little at his Dada's loving touches but Alec observed that his boy, who was always cheerful even when he toppled or fell, was exceptionally serious then. Alec did not take this to be a good sign.

Alec put Max in his baby carrier and pulled that around his shoulders.

"Sweetie ...lets go to Papa's loft ...okay.." said Alec to his baby boy.
Max nodded his head.

Alec made sure to put a woollen hood on Max's head as he was going out at night and it was cold outside.

Alec portalled himself and Little Max to Magnus' loft.

He opened the door of the loft cum workplace with his pair of keys and soon entered inside. He pulled out his bow and arrow from the quiver on his back and started moving stealthily.

The loft seemed empty.

"Magnus....Magnus....where are you...Magnus..." called Alec a few times.

"Pappa...Pappa...." called Max in his sweet baby voice.

But there was no response . Alec's heart was now racing . He started moving a little speedily from room to room but there was no Magnus . Finally Alec came to Magnus' office .

All Magnus' spell books and his writing pad were open as if he had left everything as it is in the middle of his work and gone somewhere. Alec looked around thinking Magnus would be somewhere near. He sprinted to the store behind but there was no Magnus . Alec went to check the bathroom once ,just to make extra sure that Magnus was not there.

Alec pulled out his phone from his pockets and called his warlock's number. But to his utter dismay , Magnus' phone was ringing on the table itself in front of Alec.

" Damn it.." said Alec in frustration.

"Pappa...pappa...." called Max once again in his baby voice.

" Can you feel your Papa, Sweetie..." asked Alec to Max who was hanging on his front from his shoulder on the baby carrier.

Max nodded a ' no' vigorously .

Max started to whimper.

"Sweetie....don't worry , we will find out Papa..." said Alec determined.

"Maxie..can you track Papa with your magic and show me where he is..." asked Alec to his toddler.

Max rubbed his eyes with his little chubby hands and nodded in affirmation . Alec's heart broke looking at his boy crying for his Papa. Probably Alec was feeling the same way but he could not cry , he had to stay strong for Max. Alec liftedMax's chin up and wiped Max's little watery eyes and said "Nothing will happen to Papa , we will find out where he is ." Max nodded clutching his Dada's shirt. Alec saw Max started to glow in red and he held his little hands towards his Dadda.

Alec held his boy's little hands and closed his eyes...soon Alec could see a place but the place was ....Alec snapped opened his eyes in frustration . He had seen that place but could not point out where exactly it was.

" Baby...I have seen that place...but could not exactly feel where it is...." said Alec to Max.

Max looked at his frustrated Dada and said " Unci Ja..."

Alec looked at Max and said " Oh are getting smarter and smarter day by day.."

Max liked the praise from his Dada but he was too worried to enjoy it at the moment.

But before Alec could call Jace . He heard his phone ringing. Alec pulled out his phone and saw Jace was calling him.

Alec took the phone .

" Alec...what happened..why are you so anxious..I could not sleep because of my parabati rune...what happened .??? Is everything alright...buddy ??" asked Alec's parabati from the other side of the phone.

"Its...its....Magnus...Jace...he ..he is missing .....Max tracked him with his magic but I could not locate the exact place...I need you ...Jace....Can you please come....???" requested Alec.

"In ten minutes and where??" asked Jace.

" Magnus' loft..." said Alec.

" Okay..." said Jace and disconnected the phone.

"Your Unci Ja is coming , Sweetie" said Alec to Max .

Max snuggled into Alec a little to get comfort. Alec held his baby tight . Both of them equally anxious for Magnus.

//to be continued//

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