Chapter 15: Alec's Quest Pt 3

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"Magnus....Magnus...where are you ?" asked Catarina entering into the loft . There was eerie silence in the loft. Catarina was feeling anxious. An unknown fear was engulfing her bit by bit.

"Pappa....Pappa..." said Max pointing towards Magnus' office.

"Sweetie, can you feel your Papa...?" asked Catarina. Max whimpered and nodded.

Catarina sprinted to the office as much as she could do with Max hanging from her.

Catarina entered Magnus' office. Catarina looked around the office when her eyes fell on something on the floor beside the office desk.

"MAGNUSSSSSSSS........" screamed Catarina.


Alec portaled himself first to his house . He thought Magnus would have returned to the house after meeting the client.

But to his amazement , there was no Magnus and no Max in the house.

Alec's heart was racing fast for some unknown reason. He was sweating . He was feeling anxious and nervous from an  unseen fear .  A fear of losing someone very close. Alec was breathing heavily . He looked at the phone on his trembling hands. 

"Oh Raziel..why am I feeling so worried suddenly? Why am I feeling so petrified for Magnus ?" asked Alec to himself dialling Magnus' number.

The phone said that the number was switched off.

Alec dialled three more times...its the same thing......

"Oh ...Magnus , why are you not picking up the damn phone...." asked Alec frustrated.

He did not think anything else and drew a portal with his stele for their loft.


"Magnus.....what happened ....Magnus...wake up ...." said Catarina anxiously patting Magnus' cheeks.

Catarina made Max to seat on the carpeted floor beside her as she was trying to find out what exactly happened to the warlock.

"Pappa...Pappa....sleep...sleep..." said Max.

Catarina looked at Max once and tried to understand what Max was uttering with his limited word stock.

"Oh ...God...I must...I must call Alec first ...." said Catarina anxiously taking her phone out.

She dialled Alec's number and surprising she could hear the phone ringing outside. Soon there were sounds of striding shoes as someone was half running to Magnus' office.

"Magnus....!!!!" gasped Alec coming near the office door.

Alec was surprised to see Catarina and Max on the floor holding onto someone.

Alec was so scared that his heart was pumping his blood at a speed which was twice his usual one.

Alec came near to the people on the floor. Soon he could see the very very familiar person lying on the floor , limp . His face was pale and his face did not show any sign of life.

Soon Alec's world crashed in front of his eyes. He could hear the crashing sound with his ears. For a moment , he felt all his energy was receding back making him lifeless .

He ran to his husband , who was lying pale and almost lifeless on the floor.

Catarina moved a little making space for Alec. She knew  how Alec was feeling . She was as anxious for his best friend . But for Alec ...Magnus was his lifeline , his world , reason for his existence , his soul.

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