Chapter 7 : The Unseen Danger Pt2

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"Hey , Parabati  Happy Anniversary .........this house is really never told me that you were about to change your loft....?" asked Jace squeezing the life out of Alec .

"*Gasp*....*gasp* , let me breath *gasp*  then I can  *gasp* tell you what happened." said Alec struggling in Jace's embrace.

Magnus was standing with Max in his arms and looked at Alec a little worried.

"Oops....sorry....." said Jace leaving Alec . Alec inhaled long  and then exhaled.

Clary laughed a little .

"It was all Magnus , he planned this , every single thing , he actually gave this as a surprise to me...." said Alec to Jace smiling lovingly and  looking at Magnus.

Magnus hid a content smile. His shadowhunter was happy because of the house. What could make him happier than this .......

"Unci Ja....Unci Ja...." said Max excited from Magnus' arms.

"Yes , my little Angel , your favourite Uncle is back ....." said Jace pulling Max in his arms planting a kiss on his little chubby cheeks.

"With your favourite Aun Clwy...." said Clary from Jace 's side.

"Who said you are his favourite Aun....his favourite Aun and Uncle are here " said Isabelle entering the door of the new house with Simon.

"Happy Anniversary ....Alec...." said Isabelle planting a kiss on Alec's cheeks and hugging him tightly .

"Thanks ....Izz" said Alec kissing her shoulders and forehead.

Izzy went to Magnus and hugged him saying in the warlock's ears" You made this house for him don't you ....?"

"Yes , you know this , your brother is my world and the cute panda there is my lifeline ...." said Magnus into Izzy's ears while hugging her tight. Over the years Isabelle had grown closer and closer to Magnus . They share the same emotions as both of them love Alec in their respective ways more than anything in this world .

In the meanwhile , Alec hugged Simon.

"Congratulations Alec ,on your seventh anniversary and I wish many -many  happy returns of this day ...." said Simon to Alec.

Alec patted Simon's shoulders and said " Thank you ...."

"Where's my cutie pie.....???" said Isabelle turning to Max who was on Jace's arms.

Isabelle pulled Max and started kissing Max all over.

Max giggled and squirmed at his Aun's loving kisses.

"Eww.....Maxie is going to need a thorough wiping after this.." remarked Jace .

Izzy looked at Jace with angry eyes and said " Wait you devil Jace ....I will pull all your hair out of your dare you say that...." said Izzy  running behind Jace with Max in her arm , Jace had already taken pace running ahead of Izzy.

"Hee....hee....heee......" came Max's giggling sounds from Izzy's arms.

" God , my siblings will never grow up ...and never stop being a pain in my ass...." said Alec rolling his eyes.

All Clary, Magnus and Simon laughed in unison at Alec's grief.

Soon the house became full of other invited guests. There were loud spanish music , an open bar and various culinary delicacies .

Though the guests were very limited yet the party was warm and enjoying .

From Alec's side there were his siblings and their families. Though Maryse was invited but she promised to come on the next day to meet Alec  as she had an important event organised in her shop which she could not cancel.

Alec though was a little sad yet understood her Mum's commitments and was looking forward to meet her in his new house the next day.

From Magnus' side there were Catarina who came with Madzie who was now playing with Alisa , Jace's daughter.  Lorenzo was invited who came along with his boyfriend , Andrew Underhill and three more warlock friends who were close to Magnus and Alec and had helped them on many occasions.

Apart from these, the present head of the Vampire Clan , who was Alec's friend was invited and also the head of the Warewolf Clan was invited too who revered Alec for his endevours in the shadow world.

Alec was leaning on the bar counter and was looking around the party with his vigilant eyes simultaneously admiring the organisational skills of his beloved husband .The party was perfect.

  Izzy, Clary , Jace , Simon were sitting on one of the table. Max was royally sitting on Isabelle's lap .The adults were busy gossiping and eating their food. Little Max was given a large bottle of his favourite drink which he was sucking enjoyably.

Alec smiled a little at his little piece of heart .

On the other corner , Magnus was sitting with Catarina ,Lorenzo and Andrew.They were discussing something animatedly .

The other two warlocks were sitting with the head of the Vampire Clan and Warewolves . They were laughing hard on something .

Alec smiled at them . How they have befriended themselves and were now sitting on the same table and laughing heartily.....this warmed Alec's heart. This was the very thing for which he worked throughout his life and would continue to work in future.

He took a little sip of the mild drink in his hand. After a long time he found some lone time. He was enjoying the company of himself. Alec himself told Magnus to spend some time with his close friends  especially Catarina who had done so much for him and his family. She deserved it - to spend some quality time with her best friend Magnus. Alec's   content loneliness was enjoyable to him .

All of sudden a low timid voice .....Max said from Izzy's lap  " Aun Ijj...."

"Yes ,cutie pie..what is it ?You want something....?" asked Isabelle lovingly to her only nephew.

"Dada ...not good...Dada....not good..." said Max.

Izzy looked surprised at Max and then quickly looked at Alec. Alec was standing at the bar counter. Izzy saw that Alec was looking at Magnus with loving eyes and smiling in his mind.

Izzy smiled at how Alec was looking happy and content.

Then she looked at Max and said " No Cutie pie...look ...your Dada is all good ...he is happy and content...."

Max did not respond ,the little fellow clutched Izzy 's dress tightly and snuggled more into his Aun's body . He was scared for something. Izzy was confused at Max's sudden fear.

"Mr.LightwoodB" called a voice from behind Alec , surprisingly close to him.

Alec turned back and soon felt a sharp sudden pain in his abdomen.

He gasped . His body was jolted with the presence of something sharp and foreign inside it.

He looked down at his abdomen . His white coat was soaking red gradually . He clutched the place on his abdomen that was causing him agony.

Alec looked up with pain stricken bulging eyes at the figure in front of him . The figure was standing with a sharp blade  in his/her hand..... the blade stabbed half inside Alec's abdomen.....blood trickling down the blade on the carpeted floor of the bar counter.

With a gasp and a voice just above whisper ...Alec exclaimed " You .....!!!!"

//to be continued.......//

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