Chapter 46 : His Consent

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It was already seven'o' clock in the evening and Alec had not headed for his house.  He knew that his husband was angry on him . But he could not be angry at Magnus too.

The reason for which Magnus was angry on him was genuine and Alec could not blame his worlock. But deep down in his heart he knew that this time , it won't be like the previous one . This time he would be protected by the divine powers of the Angels.

But Magnus' wishes and consent would be of utmost importance to him . He would try to convince Magnus one more time , if he said no , then he would not coax his warlock.

He would be satisfied with whatever he had. Max and Magnus were of prime importance to him .

Alec stood up from his seat. He looked at his phone , it was almost eight. Alec started for his house.

Alec silently entered the house. He knew his husband was angry on him . Alec closed the door of his mansion . He kept his belongings at their respective places. He removed his shoes looking around the house which was conspicuously silent. Alec sighed.  Alec got into his slippers and walked into the house, collecting the toys that were scattered all around the living room . Alec kept the collected toys in the toy basket.He saw that Magnus was working in the kitchen . Max was sitting on the counter . Magnus was talking to  Max and the little one was responding with his giggles. Alec smiled and sighed  . He went silently to the bedroom. He opened his walk in closet and started changing his clothes. 

Soon he felt two hands snaking around his waist and a head leaning on his back.

"I am sorry ....Alexander ....I behaved really badly this morning...please forgive me...." said Magnus burying his head on Alec's back.

Alec was surprised by Magnus' sudden change in behaviour. He was wondering what had suddenly happened that his warlock had changed his mind.

Alec smiled and asked" Forgive you for what ??? For loving me ???"

Magnus smiled a little.

Alec pulled his warlock in front of him and said " You love me , Magnus , and you have every right to be angry on me..."

Magnus hugged  Alec from front and kept his head on Alec's shoulder.

Soon both the couple could hear thumping of little feet and they both smiled.

Magnus pulled out of his shadowhunter's embrace . Max came running to Alec.

"Dadda...." said Max excited.

Alec opened his arms and Max jumped into his Dada's arms. Max held his Dada's neck tightly and said " Dadda , Pappa shaid  Maxie gett  little brothr shoon....."

Alec's eyes went wide. He looked at Magnus . Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter.

Max squirmed and  Alec put him down.

Max ran to his nursery probably making plans of what games he would play with his little brother .

Alec looked at Magnus. Magnus came near Alec and snaked his arms around Alec's necks.

"You are not the only one who could have vision, shadowhunter. I had a vision too and talked to our future son" said Magnus smiling.

"What , you talked with Angel Ithuriel.....?" asked Alec in surprise.

"Yes, Love , the angel called me,  "Father"" said Magnus.

Alec smiled at his warlock.

" And the Angel said annihilating  all my fears that the process of bringing him on this earth would be a blessing for both of us and specially for you . You will be protected by the angel himself....Moreover Me and Maxie will not let you go anywhere " said Magnus.

Alec chuckled a little and hugged his warlock.

"Lets execute the divine order of Angel Raziel and also tame the negative force of Asmodeus....forgive me , Love for my earlier reluctance ".
said Magnus in his hug.

Alec kissed Magnus' cheeks and  smiled . He was blushing.

Magnus looked at Alec and  said " We are planning to have a second child and you are still blushing like a tomato ."

Alec smiled more and blushed more.

Magnus chuckled and said " Oh , you are adorable...."

"Max seems to be really happy...?" asked Alec .

"Oh ..he is acstatic from the very moment when I said that he is going to get a little brother , he is actually on cloud nine . He had already started to keep aside his toys for his little brother . He would be an angel big brother " said Magnus.

Alec nodded his head.

"Magnus , I hope you are not doing all these just to make me happy. For me your wishes and desires are of utmost importance . You are giving consent from the bottom of your heart...right?" asked Alec.

"I was too concerned about your health Alexander. You are my everything . Since morning ,I was mad because how could you just forget about yourself ....I was mad about your selflessness. Then I had the vision from Angel Ithuriel ...after that I had an unknown positivity in my heart and soul. I believe in the divine words of the angel. I believe that this time the angels will be there to protect us you will be safe . Also we have Max , he is the powerful Great demon , he will not let anything to happen to you , to our family....Thus I am giving consent to you ...we will both manifest Angel Ithuriel and restore the power balance on this earth."

" Magnus , thank you ...." said Alec.

Magnus said " thank you .....I love you , always and forever."

Alec kissed Magnus' forehead.

"Also one more will still not endure labor pain...I cannot take chances....I will talk to Catarina , with the first contraction , I want the baby to be operated out of you ...." said Magnus protectively.

Alec chuckled.

"What ???" asked Magnus in surprise.

"Magnus , lets have the baby first...." said Alec still chuckling.

Magnus chuckled and said " Yes ...of course...."

Both the couples laughed out loud.


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