Chapter 10 : His First Birthday.

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"Alexander , wake up ....wake up....." said Magnus almost in a whisper.

Alec squirmed a little in his sleep.

"Mmmm...." mumbled Alec.

"Its the big day...Love ....wake up ..." said Magnus in whisper again.

Alec's eyes shot open instantly .

He looked at Magnus in front of him .

"What time is it? " asked Alec  carefully in whisper.

"Seven'o'clock sharp. " said Magnus.

"Is he awake...?" asked Alec .

Magnus moved his head towards the crib at the corner of the room . There were no movements in the bundle of little blankets.

"Not yet ...I guess..." said Magnus doubtfully.

Both Magnus and Alec woke as soundlessly as possible.

They tiptoed to the crib at the corner of the bedroom . Both the parents looked at their little piece of heart . There were pure love pouring from both of their eyes.

Magnus and Alec were waiting for Max's eyes to open.

After waiting about fifteen minutes , little Max squirmed and his eyes opened .  He yawned cutely and looked at the figures in front of him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!" said Magnus and Alec in unison.

Max looked at his parents confused . He did not know why his parents were shouting happily at this early hours of morning. He first looked at Magnus and then at Alec, then again at Magnus.

He made grabby hands towards Alec and said "Dadda...."

Both Alec and Magus bursted out laughing .

"Oh God, we just confused our baby ...." said Magnus laughing ,  holding his stomach.

Alec pulled Max amidst laughing and said " Maxie , today is your very first birthday ...."

"Bttdhay??" asked Max.

"Yes , dear came to this earth on this day ...." explained Alec to his baby boy.

Max leaned on Alec and kept his head on his shoulder . He clutched Alec's shirt.

"What happened Sweetie , you should be happy ...."asked Magnus.

"Max lub Dadda an Pappa...." uttered Max.

"And we love you too , Sweetheart , pure and unconditional...." said Alec to  Max rubbing his small back.

"Gwanma (Granma)" said Max excited.

"You want to visit your Granma?" asked Magnus pulling Max from Alec's  shoulders .

"Gwanma here....." said Max giving his world winning smile.

Magnus looked at Alec confused.

But soon they heard the door of the house being knocked.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " I am taking the door..."

" are not going to take the door , after what happened yesterday , it would take me some time to let  you go outside the house all  alone...." said Magnus .

" I am taking the door , you hold Max..." said Magnus strictly.

Alec was about to open his mouth to argue when Magnus said

" are not going to argue with me on this ...."

Alec closed his mouth and did not say anything as if  like a puppy got scolded for bringing mud on paws into the house from outside.

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