Chapter 77 : Alert Pt 1

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Alec was sitting on the couch with his head on Magnus' shoulders. They both were looking at Max who was riding around the house on the new magic operated toy car which Magnus  and Alec both had gifted Max for his birthday. Alec had attached the parts of the car and Magnus had used his magic to make it operative. They both made the car with all the love they had in their hearts.  Also Max had a fascination for toy cars , so a magic operated toy car was an inevitable choice.

Alec was smiling at his baby boy. He was overwhelmed to see his little piece of heart so happy.

Alec said " He liked it ...doesn't he ??"

Magnus said " Yes ...Love...he does ..."

"Never thought that I will see a day like this..." said Magnus sighing.

"You are happy ...right ??" asked Alec .

Magnus nodded his head in an yes.

"Thank you ....thank you for showing this day to me...Love " said Magnus.

Ale smiled and said " Thank you for showing me this day ..."

Magnus smiled a little.

"In fact we should thank Asmodeus for the curse..." said Alec .

Magnus said " Hmm...I can't say that you are wrong..."

"But , I am sorry to say this ...but your father was an idiot who thought , being able to have babies is a curse..." said Alec from Magnus' shoulders .

Magnus chuckled a little and said " I can't disagree with you ...Asmodeus never valued his children. It was quite natural for him to believe that having children...being able to raise them up is a curse...may be this is what is called demonic..." 

Alec nodded his head without any word.....

"Are all the people coming in the evening for the celebration ??" asked Magnus .

There was no response from his shadowhunter.

Magnus could hear rhythmic breathing of his shadowhunter .

Magnus moved his neck carefully and saw that Alec went into deep sleep.

Magnus smiled a little. He understood Alec had not slept since three in the was natural for him to drift into sleep.

Max came running to his parents.

Magnus quickly held a finger on his lips showing Max to not make noise.

Max looked at his Dada who was sleeping.

Like a good boy , which of course he was , he went silent without making any noise.

Magnus gestured at Alec and then at the bedroom .

Max was smart , he understood that his Papa was to take his Dada to the bedroom to lay him on the bed.

Max gave his world winning smile and ran to play.

Magnus chuckled at his sweet boy.

Magnus used his magic to lift Alec up and went to bedroom to make him sleep on the bed.

Magnus tucked his shadowhunter under the covers and kissed his shadowhunter on his forehead.

Alec smiled in his sleep .

Magnus stealthily went outside the room closing the door behind him .

Magnus came to the living room making Alec to sleep comfortably for some time.

Max came running to his Papa . He climbed on the couch and went straight into his Papa's lap.

Magnus moved his hands to make his lap open for his little piece of heart.

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